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Cimatron 思美创(北京)科技有限公司
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Cimatron Helps Samsung Tier-1 Suppliers Speed-Up LCD Production 2/27/2011 12:18:00 PM
模具CAD/CAM, 模具钢材, 模具抛光机, 模具保护器, 模具监视器, ...
Major Korean suppliers of LCD components adopt CimatronE for Design of Press Tools

Givat Shmuel, Israel - February 22, 2011 - Cimatron Limited (Nasdaq: CIMT), a leading provider of integrated CAD/CAM solutions for mold, tool and die makers as well as manufacturers of discrete parts, announced that leading Korean industrial supplier ShinHeung Precision Co. Ltd., as well as four other major suppliers of Samsung, LG, Hyundai, Sony, Toshiba and other known brands, have successfully adopted CimatronE 3D technology for the design of their press tools.

For many years, ShinHeung Precision has mastered the use of 2D CAD systems for designing press tools and delivering LCD chassis for Samsung's PC and TV monitors at incredibly short lead times. Rapid product innovation cycles at Samsung and the need to reduce the time to market of their products have presented a challenge for ShinHeung Precision to deliver even faster.

The implementation of CimatronE's 3D Die Design CAD system enabled ShinHeung Precision to improve its overall engineering process, reduce lead time by over 20% and reduce the costs associated with trial runs and iterations of its press tools.

It was not long before the news spread amongst the four other leading OEM suppliers of Samsung- Dong-O, DongJin, HAEM and DK Industry- who have all adopted CimatronE die design, paving the way for CimatronE to become a new standard in the Korean industry for the design and production of advanced precision components.

''We have been using CimatronE for nearly two years now'' said Jong-Ho Park, Senior Director of ShinHeung Precision. ''Changing from our extremely rapid 2D design methods to CimatronE 3D system seemed cumbersome at first. However, we soon realized that CimatronE was not only a powerful design system for die makers like us, but also provided us with higher quality and more accurate design, resulting in reduced need for correction and iteration of the tools we produce. This enabled us to significantly improve the efficiency and productivity of our overall design to manufacturing cycle. Consequently, we now save costs and deliver faster, so our customers are happier and our business is happier.''

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Cimatron 思美创(北京)科技有限公司联系方式:
网址: http://www.cimatron.com.cn 电话:86-10-null
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