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NVision Now Offers Industrial CT Scanning
http://cn.newmaker.com 2/27/2011 9:57:00 AM  佳工机电网
NVision Now Offers Industrial CT Scanning(February 23, 2011) - NVision's Engineering Service Division is now offering industrial CT scanning for reverse engineering and full inspection of components.

Industrial CT (Computed Tomography) scanning is a process which utilizes x-ray equipment to produce 3D representations of both internal and external components.

According to Steve Kersen, NVision's Vice President of Sales and Marketing, "CT scanning is typically utilized when a customer's requirements exceed the capabilities of laser scanning. For example, it's extremely useful for accurately modeling or inspecting the internal geometry of transparent materials, which would be obscured for laser scanners, or for detecting hidden flaws in plastic moldings and castings."

The best results from CT scanning can be achieved on non-metallic components fitting within an envelope of 150mm diameter. Metallic and larger items can be CT scanned, but the resolution and accuracy decreases. The output received from the CT scanner is a STL (stereo lithography) format file, which is opened in specialized software for inspection against a CAD file, or used to create a CAD file in the customer's required native format.

NVision is currently employing CT scanning on a number of projects for customers, such as small medical components, electronic and fiber optic connectors, and ceramic components.

金属探测仪, X射线检测仪, 工业CT, 涂层测厚仪, 探伤仪, 红外热像仪,...

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