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Metris rotating reflection target sets new productivity and performance standards for industrial CT 5/25/2009 10:44:00 AM

Metris rotating reflection target sets new productivity and performance standards for industrial CT

Leuven, May 19th 2009 - Metris releases a variant for the industrial 225kV micro-focus X-ray source featuring a rotating reflection target that drastically increases overall CT scanning performance. By establishing up to 5 times more X-ray flux, customers can either speed up data acquisition by a similar factor or increase data accuracy by taking more radiographs in the same time.

Traditional X-ray sources using fixed targets can only receive a limited flux of electrons to avoid damaging the target. By introducing a rotating

reflection target that yields much better cooling performance, the electron flux on the rotating target radically increases without the risk for permanent damage. This boosts X-ray flux by a large factor, and enables customers to obtain faster CT data acquisition or achieve higher CT data accuracy in the same time span.

Fast pinpoint-sharp volumetric imaging

After becoming mainstream technology in medical CT scanning, the use of rotating targets in industrial CT scanning sets new productivity and performance standards,'' comments David Bate, Product Marketing Manager of X-ray and CT solutions, ''Fast pinpoint-sharp volumetric imaging often turns out to be the missing link in resolving research, troubleshooting or quality control challenges. Available factory-fit, Metris makes sure that rotating target technology is within reach of new and existing CT customers.''

Serving a broad range of industries

Metris is a worldwide metrology leader that provides a wide range of 3D scanning technologies, including X-ray and CT scanning solutions. Metris industrial CT scanners serve many industry sectors, including automotive, aerospace, pharmaceutical, medical, geology, and paleontology.

Faster and more in-depth material research

One of the first XT H 225 variants equipped with a rotating reflection target is used at ACCESS e.V. Material researchers working for this organization are associated to the renowned Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) in Aachen, Germany. ACCESS material researchers use CT inspection for process optimization of metal castings or for in-situ observation of solidification experiments. Faster CT scanning and improved CT image quality are essential in economically capturing and visualizing 3D material concentrations in castings, such as silicon in automotive pistons or carbon globulites in iron castings. For the in-situ solidification experiments, the emphasis is more on high frame rates to keep up with the rapid processes of the phase formation.

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