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Inaugural Hexagon 2011 international conference to deliver unprecedented quality and value
http://cn.newmaker.com 2/4/2011 2:04:00 PM  佳工机电网
三维激光扫描仪, 激光跟踪仪, 3D点云软件, ...
Conference combines Intergraph®, ERDAS, Leica Geosystems and Hexagon Metrology technologies to better serve global customer base

Hexagon AB, leading, global provider of 3D solutions to design, measure and position objects and to process and present data, will host its inaugural international conference, Hexagon 2011, 6-9 June at the Orlando World Center Marriott Resort in Orlando, Florida, USA. Hexagon 2011 will bring together the latest technologies and user communities from Intergraph®, as well as Hexagon's Metrology, Geosystems and Technology divisions, in one location to provide attendees with a user experience of unprecedented scope and value.

Hexagon 2011, building upon Intergraph's flagship users' conference, will also unite Leica Geosystems' successful 3D Laser Scanning/High-Definition Surveying (HDS) and Airborne Sensor (ABS) user conferences. The new platform will feature tracks and exhibitions for Intergraph®, ERDAS, Leica Geosystems, Z/I Imaging and Hexagon Metrology product areas, offering attendees an unparalleled variety of sessions, training, networking, exhibits and new business opportunities.

Hexagon 2011 will feature more than 200 targeted break-out sessions tailored by tracks, incorporating hands-on training courses, previews of new technologies, interactive technical demonstrations and workshops, and compelling customer testimonials. Additionally, the Hexagon 2011 agenda offers insightful keynote presentations on industry and corporate trends as well as unlimited networking opportunities.

"The fusing of conferences into one unified Hexagon 2011 conference underscores Hexagon's steadfast dedication to its global customers and to delivering a conference of exceptional quality and value," says Ola Rollén, President and CEO of Hexagon AB. "Every effort is being made to ensure that we exceed the expectations of our attendees, whom we thank for their continued support and encouragement."

Employing the theme "Building a Smarter World," Hexagon 2011 emphasizes the ways in which Hexagon empowers organizations to build a smarter world through industry-specific technologies that make processes and infrastructures better, safer and smarter. More than 3,000 attendees are expected to attend Hexagon 2011.

To register and to learn more about Hexagon 2011, visit www.hexagonconference.com

For further information please contact: Sara Kraft Westrell, Corporate Communications Director, Hexagon AB, 46 8 601 26 23, sara.westrell@hexagon.se

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