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Dassault Systemes launches the latest release of V6, V6R2011x
http://cn.newmaker.com 11/27/2010 8:30:00 PM  佳工机电网
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More than 900 new functions in V6 R2011x online platform include rich applications to support Dassault Systèmes reach in 11 targeted industries

VELIZY-VILLACOUBLAY, France — November 23, 2010 — Dassault Systèmes (DS) (Euronext Paris: #13065, DSY.PA), a world leader in 3D and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, launched today the latest release of V6, V6R2011x. As a new step towards the company's lifelike experience vision, this latest release of V6 delivers new competitive advantages in all 3 domains of the V6 organic architecture; rich applications, online platform and universal services.

V6R2011x rich applications include 479 new functions and 8 new solutions to support Dassault Systèmes customers' collaborative creation processes for all targeted industries using CATIA, DELMIA and SIMULIA brands.

V6R2011x ENOVIA online platform delivers 7 new products and 359 cross industry and industry specific functions. ENOVIA solutions focus on helping customers to implement more efficient, innovation-driven governance and sourcing business processes. ENOVIA solutions rely on the V6 cloud-ready online platform for life cycle and collaboration management. V6R2011x sustains Dassault Systèmes' long term commitment to open solutions with its enhanced support of standards such as STEP or 3DXML for data, or SOA for architecture.

V6R2011x is a major step in Dassault Systèmes Universal Services strategy for sustainable innovation to deliver unique 3D, collaboration and content- based services for lifelike experience for all DS targeted markets.
3DVIA V6R2011x delivers 68 new and unique 3D services for 3D Lifelike experiences applicable in all industries including a special focus in industries such as CPG, retail and energy, or domains such as serious gaming.
V6R2011x collaboration solutions deliver unique values with the award winning V6 3D instant collaboration solution. In addition, Dassault Systèmes continues the beta program of 3DSWYM (See What You Mean), its new cloud solution for community-based innovation driven companies.
Finally V6R2011x delivers the first release of EXALEAD Cloudview 360, the leader in next generation search- based applications. The Exalead Cloudview solution is the only open search- based platform providing the speed, scalability and flexibility inside secured data warehouses or on the web for innovative companies.

Dominique Florack , Senior Executive Vice President, Products Research & Development, Dassault Systèmes, comments, "With more than 900 new functions in V6R2011x, Dassault Systèmes delivers an unrivaled promise, as confirmed by the market and the fast growing number of new DS customers. This new set of rich applications enables our customers to do their jobs with an unmatched capability to innovate and deliver on target. Moreover, with the ENOVIA V6 online platform, the backbone for all V6 applications, Dassault Systèmes insures the lowest cost of deployment and ownership as well as long term investment. Eventually, the acquisition of Exalead for next generation V6 search-based applications comes as a major proof point that sustains our commitment to reinvent the future of PLM, with and for our customers "

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