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Latest Enhancements to Teamcenter Express Boost Collaboration and Productivity for Manufacturers
http://cn.newmaker.com 10/31/2010 1:09:00 PM  佳工机电网
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Siemens PLM Software's Teamcenter Express V5.3 Delivers Faster Implementation, Easier Learning Curve and Improved Productivity for a Higher Return on Investment

PLANO, Texas, October 27, 2010 - Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Industry Automation Division and a leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) software and services, today announced Version 5.3 of Teamcenter® Express software with key usability and desktop integration enhancements that improve collaboration and productivity in manufacturing organizations. With enhanced support for the latest versions of Microsoft Office® software and Adobe® Acrobat® software, Teamcenter Express 5.3 is a mainstream collaborative product data management (cPDM) solution aimed at increasing the ability to deliver design-through-manufacturing projects on-time and on-budget. Teamcenter Express is an easy to implement configuration of Teamcenter® software, the world's most widely use PLM system.

''The release of Teamcenter Express 5.3 on the latest Teamcenter and Microsoft platforms adds significant capabilities to this comprehensive data management solution,'' said Peter A. Bilello, President, CIMdata. ''Extensive user interface enhancements should result in more efficient completion of common tasks and processes, and expanded integrations with desktop applications including Microsoft Office 2010 and Adobe Acrobat will enable more users to utilize their office automation tool of choice to work directly with a single source of managed product data, leading to improved collaboration and a reduction in errors in manufacturing.''

Multiple Enhancements Drive Improved Productivity

Teamcenter Express 5.3 can help improve the productivity of manufacturing organizations with several usability and user interface enhancements, updated integration with Microsoft Office 2010 and expanded project scheduling capabilities. These enhancements can help users achieve faster and more consistent completion of common design-through-manufacturing tasks performed from users' desktops across multiple projects.

User interface improvements include a new summary tab layout with faster access to key data and processes, and a new quick search capability inside the Teamcenter Express explorer panel. Enhanced Microsoft Office 2010 integration, expanded support for Adobe Acrobat and a new utility to load multiple files from Windows® software folders enable more widespread access to a company's single source of product information. Expanded capabilities in the embedded Structure Manager module enable more comprehensive and efficient management of product structures including the ability to selectively apply and reject recommended changes to a bill of materials.

Teamcenter Express 5.3 includes additional project scheduling capabilities that enable easier access for reviewing project status through a new web client, expanded project planning capabilities including finish date scheduling and critical path analysis, and timesheet reporting and work breakdown structures for improved resource tracking.

''Our original deployment of Teamcenter Express was fast, smooth and impactful,'' says Kim Guk Hyeon, general manager at KC Samyang Water Systems. ''In very little time, we were 100 percent operational managing our customers' requests. In fact, since we began using Siemens PLM Software solutions, we have experienced an increase in design turnaround (speed) of more than 20 percent, an improvement in product quality of greater than 25 percent and a gain in customer satisfaction of more than 20 percent. Teamcenter Express has been a significant contributor to this success.''

Support for Latest Teamcenter and Microsoft Standards

Teamcenter Express 5.3 is a configuration of Teamcenter 8.3.It is fully scalable to this release and takes advantage of many of its new features. Teamcenter Express 5.3 is also certified for Microsoft Windows Server® 2008 and Server 2008 R2, Windows 7 clients and Microsoft Office 2010. By supporting the latest Microsoft and Teamcenter standards, Teamcenter Express provides faster implementation by leveraging the users' existing IT infrastructure, along with improved performance and low total cost of ownership.

Teamcenter Express V5.3 is expected to be available in December. For more information please visit www.siemens.com/plm/teamcenterexpress.

About Teamcenter Express
Teamcenter Express is a preconfigured implementation of Teamcenter, the world's most widely used PLM system, and is the collaborative product data management (cPDM) component of the Velocity Series™ portfolio, Siemens PLM Software's comprehensive family of modular, yet integrated solutions addressing the mainstream PLM market.

Teamcenter Express provides easy access to a single source of product data resulting in faster and more consistent completion of everyday tasks for design-through-manufacturing, improved collaboration and a reduction in errors in manufacturing. Teamcenter Express enables manufacturing organizations to get control of their product data and processes.

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