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3D Systems to Display Electric Motorcycle at Euromold
http://cn.newmaker.com 11/27/2010 7:41:00 PM  佳工机电网
沙滩摩托车, 电动自行车, 折叠自行车, ...
- Experience the Possibilities with Brammo Green Bike Powered by 3Dproparts™ -

ROCK HILL, South Carolina - November 23, 2010 - 3D Systems Corporation (NASDAQ: TDSC) announced today that it will display the Brammo Empulse® motorcycle, an innovative 'green' motorcycle powered by 3Dproparts™, at the Euromold Conference and Exhibit December 1 - 4, 2010 in Frankfurt, Germany, Hall 11-D46.

3D Systems pioneered the use of Additive Manufacturing solutions for transportation and now, through its comprehensive 3Dproparts™ network, 3D Systems offers companies like Brammo a complete suite of design to manufacturing solutions.

''We are proud to sponsor and excited to exhibit the new Empulse® motorcycle and recognize Brammo's leadership in the design of functional, sustainable electric vehicles,'' said Cathy Lewis, vice president of global marketing for 3D Systems.

''Our relationship with 3D Systems is integral to our success. We depend on 3Dproparts™ to provide us with critical body parts and panels featuring unmatched surface finish, durability and dimensional accuracy for all of our concept and race bikes,'' stated Brian Wismann, director of product development, Brammo, Inc.

About 3D Systems

3D Systems is a leading provider of 3D Printing, Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing systems and parts solutions. Its expertly integrated solutions reduce the time and cost of designing products and facilitate direct and indirect manufacturing by creating actual parts directly from digital input. These solutions are used for design communication and prototyping as well as for production of functional end-use parts: Our customers Create With Confidence.

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