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Ritemp™ Cooling Offers Significant Additional Benefits for Moulders
http://cn.newmaker.com 11/12/2010 8:08:00 AM  佳工机电网
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K2010-Düsseldorf, Germany- Ritemp Technologies Pty. Ltd. (Australia) announced today that growing market acceptance of the patented Ritemp™ cooling technology is proving to offer significant processing improvements in addition to cycle time savings.

Not including the hot runner hot half cooling, a total of 4 Ritemp™ circuits only are required in a sample 16 cavity mould. This results in substantially less clutter in design of the mould, a cleaner moulding environment, easier maintenance (about 40 fewer connections to be made) and accelerated set-up times.

The closed-loop nature of the Ritemp Technologies system results in a quicker, easier start up mode with no need for changing machine process settings due to variations in ambient conditions; for example, changing over from day shift to night shift.

For moulds with similar parts, the client is able to use standardized A and B plates, resulting in substantially lower design costs and lead times with shortened tool build times.

Parts made using the Ritemp™ cooling technology have consistently superior dimensional spread than their conventionally cooled counterparts and, in a 16 cavity hot runner tool, the spread across a particular part surface was improved by approximately 80%.

Ritemp™ has been accepted as a viable alternative to traditional cooling techniques by originally promoting the quantifiable cycle time savings of 20-50%, coupled with productivity gains previously unachievable. Ritemp™ tooling projects have grown steadily, gaining recognition within the tooling and moulding community.

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