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Atlas Copco阿特拉斯·科普柯(上海)贸易有限公司
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Atlas Copco: New box-shape jaw for higher recycling rates in demolition applications 9/18/2010 7:26:00 PM

Atlas Copco: New box-shape jaw for higher recycling rates in demolition applications

Atlas Copco are presenting a new box-shape jaw for their CC 3300 hydraulic CombiCutter allowing the recycling rate to be increased for demolition jobs and the recycling process within the crusher to be simplified.CC 6000 U, left, and CC 3300 B (box shape), right

„With the box-shape jaw we are able to achieve defined sizes of demolished material which are ideal for the crusher plant next in line,'' Wolfgang Hohn, Product Line Manager Silent Demolition Tools with Atlas Copco explains. „We cut the demolished material on three sides in one go to prevent too long pieces of rebar and therefore substantially simplify the separation of the different materials.''

It also has a positive effect on the amount of fines and dust produced on the demolition site. „More high-grade material can be recycled and the environment is better protected by the reduced dust emissions,'' Hohn continues.

The box-type jaw „B'' (for box shape) has been designed for the CC 3300 CombiCutter. Apart from this, the „U'' type jaw (U for universal) for demolition work in reinforced concrete and the „S'' type jaw (S for steel cutting) for cutting steel structures are available.

Learn more about Atlas Copco´s Silent Demolition Tools under http://www.silent-demolition.com/.

For further information please contact:
Anja Kaulbach, Marketing Communication / Media Relations e-mail: anja.kaulbach@de.atlascopco.com

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网址: http://www.atlascopco.com/ 电话:86-21 -6255 1331
地址: 中国·上海·南京西路819号中创大厦16楼 邮编200041

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