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http://cn.newmaker.com 8/25/2010 10:07:00 AM  佳工机电网
ROCKWOOD COMPANIES EXHIBIT JOINTLY AT K 2010The Rockwood Color Pigments & Services Division of Rockwood Holdings Inc. represented as Rockwood Pigments and Holliday Pigments will be exhibiting at this year's K 2010 (Hall 7, Stand D26).

Headlining Rockwood's presence this year will be the expanded offering of Solaplex® environmentally sound spectrum of yellow to orange metal oxide pigments alongside the proven performance properties of Holliday Pigments' signature ultramarine blue Premier range for plastics.

New red-shade orange completes Solaplex® offering

Rockwood Pigments has enhanced its existing Solaplex® range of yellow and orange metal oxide pigments for plastics applications with a red-shade orange high performance grade (34H1004).

The leading manufacturer of advanced inorganic pigments developed 34H1004 in response to market demand for an environmentally acceptable and richer alternative to less intense pigments previously occupying the red-shade area of the challenging yellow to orange color space.

The new, more vibrant Solaplex® Bright Orange (34H1004) joins Solaplex® Yellow (34H1001), Solaplex® Mid Yellow (34H1002) and Solaplex® Orange (34H1003) to provide the plastics sector with a wider yellow-orange pigment selection for high performance plastics applications, including power tools, safety products, chair shells, automotive parts and interiors, cables and bottle crates, among many more possibilities.

Details of Rockwood's new Solaplex® range can be found at www.solaplex.com.

Getting the right grade

Holliday Pigments is highlighting its technical grades specifically formulated for particular plastics applications.

While all ultramarine pigments share the same clean shade, excellent lightfastness and heat stability, optimum performance in plastics applications is only achieved by selecting specially-produced grades. For example, Holliday Pigments' standard Premier range facilitates color consistency; Premier D grades are recommended for low moisture, high pigment masterbatch; Premier F where careful particle control is required; and Prestige for dust-free preparations to achieve easy dispersion. At K 2010, Holliday Pigments' stand representatives will focus on demonstrating the full capabilities of the company's plastics portfolio, including:

Prestige grades with dust-free properties

Holliday Pigments' Prestige range is a selection of standard Premier grades which are incorporated into a low molecular weight carrier resin. This process results in a free flowing, dust-free product, contributing to a cleaner working environment. Prior incorporation into the low viscosity, low melting point polymeric resin also enables extremely easy dispersion, even under low shear conditions, as well as increased pigment loading in masterbatches.

Solutions for severely demanding food contact applications

All of the Prestige grades have been approved for food contact plastics and toy applications, adhering to the industry's most stringent testing, but its specialist Premier BC and BC-R grades have proven taste and taint-free properties and are frequently specified for bulk plastics, including caps and closures.

Pigments with proven acid resistance

Holliday Pigments' Premier XAR acid resistant grade is ideal for applications including stadium seating, where plastics can be exposed to the twin degrading effects of acid rain and high energy solar radiation. Ultramarine is rendered both acid resistant and more photo-stable by means of an inert coating deposited on the surface of the pigment particle. With previous best-in-class grades, the act of dispersing the pigment may cause abrasion of the coating which would in turn reduce its acid resistance. Premier XAR's improved coating technology not only delivers 50% improved acid resistance but tests also show it has the capacity to cut the effects of abrasion by half.

For further information on pigment selection for particular plastics applications, download the 'Ultramarine Pigments for Colouring Plastics' white paper from the publications area on the website www.holliday-pigments.com/publications

Holliday Pigment's New acid resistant grades will benefit applications such as stadium seating.

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