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http://cn.newmaker.com 3/23/2010 11:23:00 AM  佳工机电网
涂料, 油墨, 颜料, 染料, 色漆, ...
Holliday Pigments is showcasing its Premier F grades for fine fibre, very thin film and automotive compound applications at Chinaplas 2010. (19-22 APRIL, ZONE W3, STAND M51)

In-line with China's current focus on revitalising its 10 pillar industries, including automotive, Holliday Pigments is highlighting the proven performance of its fine particle ultramarine pigments specially developed for fibre applications as fine as 2dtex.

Standard ultramarine pigments are not recommended for such applications because a small proportion of oversized particles are inherently present following the traditional manufacturing process. Holliday Pigments, however, has developed a specialist treatment to enable the production of its very fine particle size pigments - namely Ultramarine Blue Premier FRX and Ultramarine Violet Premier FVU.

''Because fine fibres and thin films require high strength colourants, the Premier F process can only be applied to our superior strength ultramarines - Premier RX and Premier VU,'' explained Holliday Pigments' Asia Pacific Sales and Marketing Manager, Matthew Nicholson.

''The resulting composition - free from particles above 10µm - ensures the mechanical strength of the host polymer is maximised in injection moulding and extruder applications. These features render our Premier F ranges ideal for specifiers seeking impact resistance and tensile strength and have particular appeal for the automotive industry.''

According to a recent report by The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, China overtook the US as the largest auto market in 2009, achieving a record 13.6 million* units in vehicle sales. This healthy market development has created more demand for relevant products with the consumption of plastics in automobiles increasing rapidly and expected to rise to 20% during 2010.

''China's commitment to developing the domestic automotive market has had a positive effect along the supply chain,'' observed Matthew Nicholson. ''With our Premier F grades we're ideally positioned to capitalise on continuing market demand and look forward to demonstrating the potential that our fine particle pigments present at Chinaplas come April.''

Holliday Pigments is exhibiting alongside parent company Rockwood Pigments in the chemicals and raw materials zone. As well as exploring the possibilities of Holliday Pigments' Premier range for plastics, Chinaplas 2010's anticipated 75,000 visitors will also have the opportunity to preview Rockwood's expanded yellow to orange mixed metal oxide pigment range, Solaplex®, which now includes its new Bright Orange high performance grade (34H1004).

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