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Haitian Europe takes over German market
http://cn.newmaker.com 8/10/2010 10:19:00 AM  佳工机电网
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Haitian Europe GmbH, the European subsidiary of Haitian International Holding Ltd., will operate out of Germany starting July 2010.

Target is to realign itself organizationally and with regard to infrastructure with this relocation to optimally position the brands "Haitian" and specifically "Zhafir" in Europe's high tech markets. At the same time, synergies are to be created in logistics, development and brand coordination with the 100% subsidiary company Zhafir Plastics Machinery in Ebermannsdorf, which is why the decision was made in favour of Greater Nuremberg as the new location.

Additional to the coordination of the European distributors, the experts from Haitian Europe GmbH take over the German market. From now on, Haitian Europe is responsible for all customers of the present partner HT Deutschland GmbH. The team expands the former solid activities with sales and technical support and is ready for the most important market in Europe.

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