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SABIC's strong commitment to Industrial Container solutions
http://cn.newmaker.com 8/10/2010 10:11:00 AM  佳工机电网
聚乙烯(PE), 聚苯乙稀PS, 聚酰亚胺PI, 聚酰胺PA, PA66塑料(尼龙), ...
SABIC's two new High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) grades for Industrial Container applications - SABIC® HDPE ICP4907S and SABIC® HDPE ICP5602 - are commercially available for the global market from now on.

Both grades meet the latest market challenges offering an optimal balance of properties, improved processing behavior and the potential to reduce system costs. The structure of the two SABIC grades open up new opportunities for noticeably energy and material savings and cycle time reductions - which support converters to improve their cost-efficiency as well as their sustainability performance.

The two newcomers belong both to SABIC´s HDPE line for blow molding applications in industrial containers: the SABIC® HDPE Industrial Container Product (ICP) range. SABIC® HDPE ICP4907S is designed to meet the typical property requirements for Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBC) and tanks, up to 1000 litres and more. This new IBC-grade is moreover Ultraviolet (UV) stabilized. SABIC® HDPE ICP5602 is developed for applications in Tight Head drums varying from 25 up to 220 litres and more. Both grades have an outstanding stiffness/impact-balance, environmental stress crack resistance and chemical resistance, providing good protection for storage of hazardous substances and valuable liquids. What's more, both grades meet the strict requirements for food packaging. All products of the SABIC® HDPE ICP line - including SABIC® HDPE ICP4907S and SABIC® HDPE ICP5602 - are able to meet the stringent recommendations of the United Nations (UN) and can therefore, subject to regular government approvals and registrations, be used for the production of UN-approved containers.

Both grades advance manufacturers' drive for greater cost-efficiency. Their granule form - which is exceptional for low Melt Flow-grades within this segment - improves the handling and offers significant opportunities to reduce system costs. The usage of granules prevents material waste, improves machine efficiency and supports a safer product handling. Moreover, the relative high melt flow of SABIC® HDPE ICP4907S and SABIC® HDPE ICP5602 enables converters to exploit the potential to improve processing and reduce systems costs without compromising on excellent performance. Bottom line is that the two new products result in potential carbon dioxide emission reductions and cost savings.

''SABIC is proud to anticipate to the latest developments within the Industrial Container applications'' explains Ron Reijntjens, Project Manager HDPE Industrial Containers. ''It was only 1 year ago as we successfully launched the first grades of the SABIC® HDPE ICP range. And now, we are already taking it to the next level.'' Due to its strong leverage to innovate and deliver, SABIC was able to expand its youngest HDPE family with grades that meet the current market challenges.

"SABIC developed these grades in response to the increasing market need for high performing grades that can meet the stringent UN regulations", comments Mario Scholle, Business Manager HDPE. The continuous development of this high performing SABIC® HDPE range shows SABIC's strong commitment to the industrial container market. Scholle says, "The availability of these grades from a major polyolefins supplier such as SABIC enables customers to secure their supply and reduce complex, time consuming approval procedures and processes." SABIC will continuously work to support the container market, aiming to meet the current and future challenges.

SABIC is exhibiting at K' 2010 in Düsseldorf, Germany in Hall 6, Stand D42.

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