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Delcam launches new inspection software
http://cn.newmaker.com 7/16/2010 6:47:00 PM  佳工机电网
Delcam launches new inspection softwareDelcam has launched the 2010 R2 version of its PowerINSPECT inspection software. The new release incorporates automatic surface inspection and the ability to use GD&T data from CATIA models, plus improvements to the handling of point cloud data and changes to the interface to make the software even easier to use.

PowerINSPECT is firmly established as the world's leading hardware-independent inspection software. It combines the ability to work with all types of inspection device with a comprehensive range of inspection routines for making simple measurements, for inspecting geometric features and for checking complex surfaces. The resulting reports present detailed information in easy-to-read formats that can be understood by all engineers, not just inspection specialists.

The new automatic surface inspection methods for CNC CMMs and machine tools use raster strategies taken from Delcam's award-winning machining software. The user can set the distance between each point to be measured and the stepover between each line of measurements to develop the grid of data to be taken.

Each of these two key values can be set for each individual surface within the model, for groups of surfaces or for the whole model. This allows a greater density of data to be collected from more critical areas of the component. For example, a mouldmaker might want to collect more comprehensive information from the core and cavity areas of a tool than from the split surfaces.

As with all PowerINSPECT strategies, the user can specify additional measurements to be made in any areas of concern identified by the initial inspection.

The ability to extract GD&T data from CATIA models will allow designers to ensure that the correct design intent is measured in any prototype or production component. The designer can specify the required tolerances as the design develops and also specify the datums to be used for the inspection routine. The PowerINSPECT user can extract this information and use it as the basis for his quality control routines.

Inspection based on point clouds collected by laser scanners has been a development priority for PowerINSPECT for several releases and this trend has continued in the latest version. The software now has the ability to align regions of the point cloud to specific, more critical, areas of the model, rather than simply applying a best-fit routine over whole part. In addition, new point cloud registration functionality allows multiple point clouds to be aligned with each other, for example when two sets of data are collected from opposite sides of the part. The combined data can then be used to generate a single report for the whole item.

The changes to the PowerINSPECT interface will make it easier to create inspection routines, especially for users of inspection arms and manual CMMs. This will be particularly helpful for occasional users of the software when creating inspection sequences that combine simple measures with geometric data.

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