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HEXAGON 海克斯康测量技术(青岛)有限公司
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Hexagon Metrology USA Launches Online Store 7/7/2010 8:42:00 AM

Hexagon Metrology USA Launches Online Store

Training classes, parts and accessories now available through e-commerce

North Kingstown, RI - June 28, 2010 - Hexagon Metrology, Inc. announced the official opening of HexagonStore.com, an e-commerce portal for the United States that offers online purchase of training classes, parts and accessories for metrology systems. The store includes convenient purchasing of PC-DMIS and GD&T training class seats by date and location, a complete line of TESA and Renishaw Styli products, CMM fixturing kits from R&R and Rayco, and Leica Geosystems laser tracker parts and accessories.

"This new, easy way to purchase training and metrology accessories was developed in response to requests from our customer base," remarked Al Chiasson, general manager of Hexagon Metrology Services. "The convenience of being able to quickly order products, even after business hours, is a real time-saver. We are planning to expand our product categories leading up to the IMTS show in September."

The store can be visited at www.HexagonStore.com, or www.CMMStyli.com for the top of the stylus section. Purchases shipping to USA based addresses only are accepted.

About Hexagon Metrology

Hexagon Metrology serves the high precision measurement and inspection needs of worldwide manufacturers with its extensive line of metrology hardware, software, accessories, and customer services. The company's name-brand portfolio of quality assurance products include Brown & Sharpe, CogniTens, Leica Geosystems, ROMER, Sheffield, PC-DMIS, DEA, Leitz, and TESA. Hexagon Metrology has an unrivaled installed base of more than 1.5 million handheld, stationary and portable measurement devices, and over 30,000 seats of PC-DMIS metrology software. More information is at www.HexagonMetrology.us.

The company is a subsidiary of Hexagon Measurement Technologies, a business unit of Hexagon AB (Nacka Strand, Sweden), a publicly-traded company (OMX Nordic: HEXA B). The Hexagon group consists of nearly 8,200 employees located in 30 countries.

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·CAD/CAM/PDM/PLM展区 > 三坐标测量机展厅 > 三坐标测量机 > 三坐标测量机新闻
HEXAGON 海克斯康测量技术(青岛)有限公司联系方式:
网址: http://www.hexagonmetrology.com.cn/ 电话:86-532-80895503
地址: 中国·山东·青岛市株洲路188号 邮编266101

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