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Merquinsa to showcase its Green TPUs at CHINAPLAS 2010
http://cn.newmaker.com 4/16/2010 10:45:00 PM  佳工机电网
天然橡胶, 橡胶颗粒, 硫化硅橡胶, 硅胶, 热塑性弹性体, ...
Shanghai - April 16th 2010 - Merquinsa today announced its participation at CHINAPLAS 2010 in Pudong, Shanghai from April 19-22, where it will collaborate with its recognized Chinese distributors Ngai Hing Engineering Plastic (Hong Kong) Ltd. and Paceco Industrial Supplies Pte Ltd.

Merquinsa will present on this occasion its new Bio polyester and polyether based TPU (thermoplastic polyurethanes) PEARLTHANE® ECO resins along with its TPU specialties PEARLCOAT®, & PEARLTHANE® portfolio, including special extrusion polyether TPU grades & non-yellowing aliphatic TPU resins.

Merquinsa's Green TPU with a bio content from ca. 20 to 90%, according to ASTM D-6866, offers outstanding performance and sustainability benefits vs. standard petroleum-based TPUs for a wide range of sport & leisure, consumer electronics and automotive applications.

''We are pleased to contribute to the promotion of Merquinsa's unique range of Bio TPUs for the Chinese Market and support Chinese customers to turn to Green Plastics & Green TPUs, said Jackson Ng Sales Director of Paceco.

''Merquinsa has built its name for a premium supplier of High Quality TPUs. Ngai Hing specializes in supporting application development with unique aliphatic TPUs for the Chinese automotive, electronics and sport industries'', said Ben Ng President and Co-Founder of Ngai Hing Engineering Plastic (Hong Kong) Ltd.

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