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Merquinsa to Launch New MAXI TPU Range at CHINAPLAS 2009
http://cn.newmaker.com 5/14/2009 8:28:00 PM  佳工机电网
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Barcelona, Spain - May 15, 2009 - Merquinsa today announced its participation at CHINAPLAS 2009 - ''The 23rd International Exhibition on Plastics and Rubber Industries'' in Guangzhou from May 18-21, where it will launch a new Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) range: PEARLTHANE® MAXI.

This new range of Polyester- and Polyether-based TPU grades for Injection molding and Extrusion applications has been specifically designed taking into account Chinese customer needs for quality and cost performance.

It is based on Merquinsa's MAXI proprietary technology which offers lot-to-lot quality consistency, low gel levels and a very good base color for a wide range of Footwear, Film & Sheet, Cables, and Automotive applications, among others.

''With PEARLTHANE® MAXI ´s product launch, Merquinsa expresses its most esteemed recognition and commitment to its Chinese customers and prospects as it celebrates its 35-year anniversary presence in the Chinese market at CHINAPLAS 2009'', according to a company spokesman.

In addition to its new MAXI product range, Merquinsa will display its full range of TPU specialties including latest innovations such as PEARLTHANE® CLEAR, and PEARLTHANE® ECO renewable-sourced grades for a wide range of sport & leisure, consumer goods, melt coating, and film & sheet applications at booth #11.2 D08-D11.

Merquinsa representatives will also be available to discuss the latest developments in capabilities and service for the Chinese market.

About Merquinsa:

Merquinsa is a leading thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) specialty producer, providing innovative products for injection molding, extrusion, calendering, melt coating, compounding and adhesive applications.

Merquinsa was recently granted the Frost & Sullivan 2008 Global Thermoplastic Urethane (TPU) Product Innovation Green Excellence of the Year Award. This award recognizes Merquinsa´s innovation in biopolymers, with its groundbreaking Bio TPU made from renewable carbon resources and successfully marketed globally under Pearlthane® and Pearlbond® ECO brands.

Merquinsa's headquarters are in Barcelona, Spain with regional centers in Asia and North America.

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