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Atlas Copco阿特拉斯·科普柯(上海)贸易有限公司
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Atlas Copco provides stronger, faster exploration 3/8/2010 9:19:00 AM

Atlas Copco provides stronger, faster exploration

Atlas Copco launches the new Excore diamond bit, offering faster core drilling and significantly longer service life. The Excore bit line is the result of Atlas Copco's unique combination of global experience, scientific research, and the latest advancements in diamond drilling.

Atlas Copco is renowned as a leader in exploration drilling. With extensive experience of what is really required in the field, and unique expertise in metallurgy, the company has brought an international team of engineers and metallurgists together to produce its best diamond bit yet.

The new Excore diamond bit line has been thoroughly tested over the past two years on four continents, under varied conditions, and with different customers. Results unanimously show a significant improvement in performance and bit life.

"We believe this to be a big leap forward for exploration drillers," said Daniel Misiano, Marketing Manager Exploration Products at Atlas Copco. "The Excore line will not only make drilling more productive, but the selection and handling of diamond bits will be much more efficient as well."

With optimized crown designs and new matrices, the new Excore bit achieves greater penetration rates and delivers an extended service life. As a result, contractors using Excore bits can drill both faster and deeper, and spend less time changing diamond bits.

The metallurgy and design of the Excore bits has also been developed to cover a wider range of applications compared to its predecessors. With a broader operating span for each diamond bit, bit selection is simplified. This means drillers can reduce the number of diamond drill bits usually required to tackle different rock conditions in their operation, without losing performance. This improves both productivity and cash flow at the same time.

For further information please contact:

Daniel Misiano, Marketing Manager Exploration
Atlas Copco Geotechnical Drilling and Exploration
Phone: + 46 73 275 86 45
e-mail: daniel.misiano@se.atlascopco.com
Mathias Lewén, Vice President Communications
Atlas Copco Geotechnical Drilling and Exploration
Phone: +46 70 240 80 06
e-mail: mathias.lewen@se.atlascopco.com

Atlas Copco is a world leading provider of industrial productivity solutions. The products and services range from compressed air and gas equipment, generators, construction and mining equipment, industrial tools and assembly systems, to related aftermarket and rental. In close cooperation with customers and business partners, and with 135 years of experience, Atlas Copco innovates for superior productivity. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, the Group's global reach spans more than 160 markets. In 2007, Atlas Copco had 33,000 employees and revenues of BSEK 63 (BEUR 6.7). Learn more at www.atlascopco.com

Atlas Copco Geotechnical Drilling and Exploration is a division within Atlas Copco's Construction and Mining Technique business area. It develops, manufactures, and markets equipment for exploration drilling and ground engineering. The division is headquartered in Märsta, Sweden, and its production is organized in specialized competence centers in North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.

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Atlas Copco阿特拉斯·科普柯(上海)贸易有限公司联系方式:
网址: http://www.atlascopco.com/ 电话:86-21 -6255 1331
地址: 中国·上海·南京西路819号中创大厦16楼 邮编200041

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