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BinMaster Particulate Monitoring for Baghouse Leak Detection
http://cn.newmaker.com 2/12/2010 4:58:00 PM  佳工机电网
BinMaster Particulate Monitoring for Baghouse Leak DetectionIntrinsically Safe, CSA Certified Device Promotes Safety

(Lincoln, Nebraska—February 11, 2009) BinMaster Level Controls of Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
announces the BM-30 LGX particulate monitoring system designed for general process and environmental monitoring. Applications for the BM3-LGX include continuous emissions monitoring, baghouse filter leak detection and process particulate flow monitoring. It detects many types of particulate including solid particulates such as dusts, powders, granulars and pellets. The BM-30 LGX is designed to help companies meet regulatory requirements by detecting leaks before emissions are visible, and prevents the escape of valuable or dangerous powders while providing a cleaner, safer workplace.

The BM-30 LGX employs a highly reliable technology based on induction. This particulate monitoring system consists of a control unit, a particulate sensor probe and a sensor coaxial cable. The sensor probe is mounted in an airflow stream such as a pipe, duct or stack. As particulate flows near and over the sensing element, the concentration of particulate is measured. When a predetermined threshold is detected, an alarm is activated. The BM-30 LGX is CE conformant, CSA certified and complies with EN 61010 safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use.

This intrinsically safe device can be used in hazardous environments and helps ensure air quality and plant safety. Particulate monitoring is applicable to most any industry where dust and particulate matter are problematic including the cement, mining, foundry, and steel or aluminum processing industries.

Power plants that use coal or any operation that utilizes or outputs carbon black will also require
particulate monitoring to comply with OSHA and EPA regulations. Industries such as grain, food manufacturing, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and wood processing endeavor to prevent explosions, protect employee safety and air quality, and ensure valuable equipment is not harmed.

''BinMaster level controls are installed in many environments where dust and particulate matter are
present,'' stated Todd Peterson, vice president of sales for BinMaster. ''The BM-30 LGX is an ideal complement for the customer who needs to monitor particulate matter as well as track bin level inventories. Our goal is to provide customers with the right solutions for their bin challenges.''

About BinMaster

BinMaster is a division of Garner Industries - an ISO 9001:2000 certified company established in 1953 and headquartered in a 75,000 square-foot manufacturing facility in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. BinMaster is strategically focused on designing, manufacturing and marketing reliable, proven sensoring devices for the measurement of bulk solid and liquid materials for the feed and grain, food, plastics, pulp & paper, power, mining, and concrete industries. The BinMaster product line is sold worldwide and features many diverse technologies for bin level indication and measurement, being well known for its SmartBob2 advanced inventory management solution. For more information about BinMaster, visit www.binmaster.com.

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