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BinMaster Introduces BinLink® Web-Based Bin Monitoring
http://cn.newmaker.com 12/23/2009 8:40:00 AM  佳工机电网
BinMaster Introduces BinLink® Web-Based Bin MonitoringRemote Wireless Inventory Management via the Internet

(Lincoln, Nebraska—December 22, 2009) BinMaster Level Controls of Lincoln, Nebraska, USA announces the introduction of BinLink® - a Web-Based monitoring solution for bins, tanks and silos that enables remote wireless inventory management of stored material from any computer connected to the Internet anywhere in the world. The core components of the solution are BinMaster's SmartBob2 and SmartBob-TS1 sensors mounted on the bins, a wireless or wired data communications network, a gateway to provide connectivity to a personal computer or IP network, and data collection software that can be viewed by any authorized individual via an Internet connection.

''BinLink provides real-time control as data streams instantaneously from BinMaster sensors to the Internet providing accurate, reliable bin information,'' said Todd Peterson, BinMaster's vice president of sales. ''BinLink offers 24/7 monitoring and is live on the Internet 24 hours a day, seven days a week, streaming the most current inventory data or historical data to authorized users.'' Automated alerts immediately can also send email and cell phone alerts when bin conditions meet user-defined thresholds.

BinLink eliminates the need to manually check bin levels which saves time, money and manpower and improves the efficiency of ordering and logistics for all types of operations from farms, to processing and manufacturing operations, to the largest storage facilities. The system is highly scaleable and is able to monitor one or a hundred bins and grow as operations expand. Site mapping capabilities include a built-in visual mapping feature that shows tank types, locations and levels to streamline operations and optimize delivery, filling and emptying schedules. As Internet data security is critical, BinLink features end-to-end encryption and authentication to ensure data is safe and confidential from the bin to the corporate office.

About BinMaster

BinMaster is a division of Garner Industries - an ISO 9001:2000 certified company established in 1953 and headquartered in a 75,000 square-foot manufacturing facility in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. BinMaster is strategically focused on designing, manufacturing and marketing reliable, proven sensoring devices for the measurement of bulk solid and liquid materials for the feed and grain, food, plastics, pulp & paper, power, mining, and concrete industries. The BinMaster product line is sold worldwide and features many diverse technologies for bin level indication and measurement, being well known for its SmartBob2 advanced inventory management solution. For more information about BinMaster, visit www.binmaster.com.

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