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Dimension's uPrint Personal 3D Printer Earns Industry Award
http://cn.newmaker.com 11/5/2009 9:39:00 PM  佳工机电网
三维打印机, 快速成型机, 3D打印材料/光固化材料, 快速成型制造软件, ...
uPrint Named 'Best Product' in Rapid Prototyping Category

MINNEAPOLIS, Sep 11, 2009 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Dimension 3D Printing, a brand of Stratasys Inc. (NASDAQ: SSYS), today announced that its uPrint(TM) Personal 3D Printer has been selected as a 2009 Design News magazine Golden Mousetrap Best Product winner in the Rapid Prototyping Tools category.

The Design News editorial staff selected uPrint from a record number of entries across five major categories - Electronics, Motion Control/Automation, Rapid Prototyping, Hardware and Software, and Materials/Fastening, Joining & Assembly.

"Design News congratulates the winners and finalists of the 2009 Golden Mousetrap Awards for the great work they've done to develop new and innovative products for design engineers," said Design News editor-in-chief, Karen Field. "These products showcase the highly imaginative ways that today's engineers are 'building a better mousetrap,' and we thank them for their contributions."

The newest addition to Dimension's industry-leading line of 3D Printers, uPrint, breaks the $15,000 barrier with fully functional, desktop-sized 3D printer. As a personal 3D printer, uPrint makes 3D printing immediate and convenient through every design iteration. There's no waiting in queue for a shared printer and no waiting for models to arrive from an outside service.

uPrint is an important advance for Dimension's product line, providing users a networked, desktop-sized 3D printer, capable of building durable, accurate models, ready for testing. It will appeal to designers, engineers, architects, artists, teachers and others working in CAD.

uPrint has only a 25 x 26 in. footprint and features an 8 x 6 x 6 in. build envelope. Using proven FDM technology, Dimension's uPrint builds models with Stratasys ABSplus -- an industrial thermoplastic with excellent durability. uPrint also features soluble support technology, allowing for hands-free removal of the model support material.

Dimension, a brand of 3D printers by Stratasys, offers computer-aided-design (CAD) users a low-cost, networked alternative for building functional 3D models from the desktop. The printers build models layer-by-layer using ABS plastic, one of the most widely used thermoplastics in today's injection-molded products. Dimension 3D printers allow users to evaluate design concepts and test models for functionality, form and fit. Online at: www.DimensionPrinting.com

Stratasys, Inc., Minneapolis, manufactures additive fabrication machines for prototyping and manufacturing plastic parts under the brands Fortus 3D Production Systems and Dimension 3D Printers. The company also operates RedEye On Demand, an online service for part prototyping and production. According to Wohlers Report 2009, Stratasys supplied 43 percent of all additive fabrication systems installed worldwide in 2008, making it the unit market leader for the seventh consecutive year. Stratasys patented and owns the process known as FDM.(R) The process creates functional prototypes and manufactured goods directly from any 3D CAD program, using high-performance industrial thermoplastics. The company holds more than 250 granted or pending additive fabrication patents globally. Stratasys products are used in the aerospace, defense, automotive, medical, business & industrial equipment, education, architecture, and consumer-product industries.

Online at: www.Stratasys.com

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