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Joint venture builds air separation unit in China
http://cn.newmaker.com 11/2/2009 8:35:00 AM  佳工机电网
Joint venture builds air separation unit in ChinaAn Air Products joint venture company has signed an agreement to build an air separation unit (ASU) for PetroChina Company Limited, one of the world's largest oil and gas companies.

The unit will supply oxygen and nitrogen to PetroChina's main refinery and ethylene complex in Sichuan, and produce liquid products for Air Products' merchant gases customers in the Chengdu area. The facility is expected to be operational in by late 2011. "This is a key project for Air Products which allows us to continue to grow both our on-site and merchant supply presence in China. We appreciate the fact that PetroChina has put its trust in Air Products to form a partnership and supply the industrial gases to its new Sichuan refinery and ethylene complex,?said Phil Sproger, vice president-Business Development for Asia at Air Products. Chengdu Air and Gas Products Co., Ltd., a joint venture between Air Products?subsidiary, Prodair Corp., and PetroChina Sichuan Petrochemical Co., Ltd., a joint venture between PetroChina Company Limited and Chengdu government, will build the ASU in Sichuan province, China. The new ASU will be designed and built primarily by Air Products' engineering center in Shanghai and its cryogenic manufacturing center in Caojing, near Shanghai.


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