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Leitner Shriram's wind turbine manufacturing facility now operational
http://cn.newmaker.com 11/2/2009 8:31:00 AM  佳工机电网
Leitner Shriram's wind turbine manufacturing facility now operationalLeitner Shriram Manufacturing Ltd, a joint venture between Shriram EPC and Italy based Leitner Technologies, inaugurated its wind turbine facility at Gummidippondi near Chennai. Spread across 20 acres, the facility would have a manufacturing capacity of 150 wind turbines per annum in Phase I.

The plant was inaugurated by Union minister of state for power Mr Bharatsinh Solanki. Mr T. Shivaraman MD & CEO of Shriram EPC said that the facility aims to meet the demand of both local and export markets. Mr P. Ashok MD of Leitner Shriram said that construction work on Phase II is expected to start after six months to double the capacity. Aside from producing wind turbines in India, the company is also planning to use India as a sourcing hub for windmill components. While Leitner will bring technology know how, Shriram would provide engineering expertise. Mr. Michael Seeber, president of Leitner Technologies, said that aside from catering to the US and European markets, the company would also export to Egypt, Morocco and Africa. He added that one turbine could be translated into four million KW hours a year and it could support 1,000 families. The unit employs 300 people and is expected to provide indirect employment for about 1,000 people.



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