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Clean Energy Expo Asia pushes growth in renewable energy
http://cn.newmaker.com 11/2/2009 8:29:00 AM  佳工机电网
Clean Energy Expo Asia pushes growth in renewable energyAround 800 conference delegates and over 60 exhibitors are expected to attend the first Clean Energy Expo Asia (CEEA) on 18-20 November 2009. This is the only trade fair and conference in Asia to bring together leading players in the technology, services, finance and government sectors.

Jointly organized by Koelnmesse and the Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore (SEAS), CEEA is part of the Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW). Asia remains a growing hub for clean energy investment, with the Asia and Oceania region contributing $24.2 billion of new investments in 2008, a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 42% from 2006-2008. The region's investment activity is currently led by China and India, with increasing activities in Australia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. Mirroring these developments, the trade fair at CEEA will feature eight country pavilions from Australia, China, Europe, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea and Singapore. These pavilions will showcase the latest clean energy technologies, services and financing solutions in the four key sectors of solar energy, energy efficiency, biomass and geothermal. The conference is divided into three main themes. The first day focuses on Clean Energy technologies. The second day will look at Energy Efficiency across different business sectors, while the third day will cover policies, projects and financing issues within the industry globally.



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