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Novacel's 4226REN guarantees safer, faster laser cutting
http://cn.newmaker.com 11/2/2009 8:24:00 AM  佳工机电网
Novacel's 4226REN guarantees safer, faster laser cuttingNovacel of France, a specialist in industrial surface protection, has launched Novacel 4226REN, a highly innovative protection film for sheet metal.

4226REN cuts down on laser-cutting time and maintains surface integrity throughout the mechanical transformation cycle on parts being cut, including during bending, backing, stamping and forming. Novacel 4226REN is a white-on-white film, with an outdoor resistance of six months. The film is made of anti-UV treated LDPE, with a thickness of 100 mm. A rubber-based adhesive is used, with an adhesion strength (AFERA 4001) of 140cN/cm. The 4226REN film is available in lengths of either 1,000 meters or 500 meters. Novacel 4226REN provides many benefits. Protected sheet metal can be laser cut in a single run. There is no peel off, and no air bubbles form during laser-cutting operations. Moreover, no black marks are left on stainless steel after laser cutting. The film can be peeled off in one piece, without blocking or tearing. Novacel 4226REN features a dedicated special print: this print shows the potential for single-run sheet-metal laser cutting, as well as the brushing or polishing direction.


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