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WABCO Introduces Colored Brake Tubes
http://cn.newmaker.com 10/10/2009 11:16:00 AM  佳工机电网
变速箱, 离合器, 制动系统...
WABCO Introduces Colored Brake Tubes; Innovative Design Accelerates Installation of Air Brake and Air Suspension Systems in Commercial Vehicles

WABCO Holdings Inc. (NYSE: WBC), a global technology leader and tier one supplier to the commercial vehicle industry, today introduced colored brake tubes for original equipment manufacturers and aftermarket applications, allowing significantly faster installation of air brake and air suspension systems in commercial vehicles.

Available for truck, bus and trailer applications, WABCO's new colored brake tubes incorporate a thin color-coded strip that distinguishes air brake tubes from those for air suspension. In addition to significantly faster installation, this innovation helps customers avoid false tubing, resulting in time and cost savings. Although color-coded, WABCO's new tubes are predominantly black, in compliance with the internationally accepted tubing standard (DIN 74324) for air brake systems in commercial vehicles.

''WABCO's new colored air brake tubes help our production line workers with installation of brake systems, and as a result, they do their job faster,'' said Kwang Yeul Kim, President of Dongwoo, a trailer manufacturer in Korea. ''These innovative tubes also reduce the risk of making mistakes during the installation process, which eliminates potential rework at the end of the production line.''

Available in standard dimensions, WABCO's new colored brake tubes feature ''reservoir red'' or ''brake yellow'' strips. Additional colors are available on demand.


WABCO Vehicle Control Systems (NYSE: WBC) is a leading supplier of safety and control systems for commercial vehicles. For over 140 years, WABCO has pioneered breakthrough electronic, mechanical and mechatronic technologies for braking, stability, and transmission automation systems supplied to the world's leading commercial truck, trailer, and bus manufacturers. With sales of $2.6 billion in 2008, WABCO is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. For more information, visit www.wabco-auto.com

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