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Process Pilot™ closed-loop control software for blowmolder management
http://cn.newmaker.com 9/23/2009 10:30:00 AM  佳工机电网
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Agr International Inc. introduces Process Pilot™ closed-loop control software for blowmolder management

Agr International Inc., a leader in the development of quality and process management devices for the container and filling industries has announced a major breakthrough in the management of PET container blowmolding with the commercial introduction of its Process Pilot™ closed loop blowmolding control software.

The Process Pilot™ control software is a real-time, process management program that works in conjunction with Agr's PETWall Profiler® system to automate the management of blowmolder production. The Process Pilot™ program continuously monitors bottle material distribution data provided by the PETWall Profiler® measurement system and automatically adjusts blowmolder settings to maintain optimal bottle distribution. ''It essentially works as a 'bionic' operator'' claims an early user of the system. ''When the blowmolder is operating under the control of the Process Pilot™ software, the process is managed more effectively than with our best operator.''

How it works:

The Process Pilot™ software monitors thickness distribution data provided by the PETWall Profiler® system and key blowmolder settings, creating a baseline relationship for a given job. Sophisticated algorithms are incorporated that analyze minute changes in material distribution. Based on these changes, the Process Pilot™ program proactively adjusts critical blowmolder settings to maintain the proper thickness distribution for bottles being produced. As the processing environment changes, the Process Pilot™ software makes the adjustments, that would be performed by an operator, to keep the blowmolder on track, but in a much more timely and reliable manner.

The key to accomplishing such close management of the blowmolder output is tied to the ability to accurately monitor material distribution over the entire sidewall of the bottle. The PETWall Profiler® distribution monitoring system provides this capability with its LED based sensor system that can acquire data from up to 32 measurement points. This creates a comprehensive bottle profile, making it possible to identify very small changes in material distribution with high precision. The Process Pilot™ program uses this information to manage the controllable parameters of the blowmolder to provide a stable process, effectively closing the loop between bottle distribution measurements and blowmolder operations.

Easy to operate:

The closed loop concept of the Process Pilot™ program is simple and easy to understand. Fashioned after an automobile's cruise control, the Process Pilot™ program can maintain blowmolder operation for an indefinite period. It works in this fashion; the operator sets up the job for the blowmolder, and utilizing Agr's PETWall Profiler® system, adjusts blowmolder parameters to produce bottles with the desired material distribution and performance characteristics. Once the blowmolder is operating as desired, the Process Pilot™ control software ''learns'' the bottle and blowmolder configurations to create a job to manage the blowmolder based on that particular bottle. After a job is learned, an operator can simply switch to Process Pilot™ control allowing the program to take over management of the blowmolder and adjust settings to maintain material distribution at desired values. Since the Process Pilot™ system manages the process based on material distribution measured on every bottle, changes in ambient temperature, differences in preform material and moisture content, and similar variables that cause blowmolder production and bottle variations, are compensated for automatically, producing consistent, high quality containers.

Better control than the best operator

In controlling the blowmolder, the Process Pilot™ program has several advantages over conventional operations. Unlike human operators, when a change is necessary, the Process Pilot™ program can make several changes simultaneously and adjust the application according to results. Typically, operators rely on bottle sampling and evaluation to determine when changes are necessary. The Process Pilot™ program bypasses this time consuming effort by continually monitoring critical bottle distribution performance parameters through the PETWall Profiler® system. The timely and reliable process adjustments are invaluable given today's high speed manufacturing mode.

The Process Pilot™ program along with Agr's PETWall Profiler® system are designed to be compatible with all two-stage blowmolding systems including KHS, Krones, Sidel and SIPA. According to Mr. Robert Cowden, Agr's Chief Operating Officer, ''the Process Pilot™ product offers many advantages to the global PET packaging marketplace including rapid payback of approximately 1 year for most applications, consistent, high quality container production and improved overall customer relationships''.

Early adopters of the PETWall® technology include Graham Packaging, Silgan Plastics, Logoplaste, Nestle Waters, Visypack, Coca Cola, Zijang Industries to name a few. The Process Pilot™ closed loop control software is another part of a broad line of process monitoring and measurement products offered by Agr International for glass, plastic and metal container manufacturers. Agr International Inc., develops and manufactures a full line of laboratory and on-line testing/quality control devices for containers and similar products. The AGR headquarters and main manufacturing facility is located in Butler, PA, USA.

For further information contact: David Dineff, Product Marketing Director, Agr International, Inc., Butler, PA, USA. Phone +1 (724) 482-2163 or email ddineff@agrintl.com.

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