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CIMdata Releases a New Product Review: CFD for Mechanical Design Engineers
http://cn.newmaker.com 9/16/2009 10:02:00 AM  佳工机电网
通用有限元分析软件, 结构分析软件, 动力学分析软件, 声学分析软件, 板料冲压成形模拟软件, ...
ANN ARBOR, Michigan, September 10, 2009—Consulting and research firm CIMdata announces the availability of a new product review on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tailored to the needs of mechanical design engineers. CFD is becoming more important as products continue to become more complex. Designers are also being tasked with improving a product's operational efficiency and CFD can also be a major factor in addressing that issue. This report presents the business need for CFD analysis during product design, why CFD should be used by a wider group of designers, and describes the FloEFD product available from Mentor Graphics.

Making CFD more accessible and usable by designers and engineers who are not analysis specialists is a necessary step to help reduce product development cycle times. Designers also need to be able to evaluate more design options and performing more frequent CFD analyses is a key step in enabling designers to make more informed design decisions. Mentor Graphics, with its acquisition of Flomerics and the release of FloEFD, is working to bring CFD capabilities to designers and engineers working within their native design environments. It is intended to help users conduct CFD analyses as part of their normal design activities, not as a function that is handed off to a specialist.

Ken Amann, CIMdata Director of Research said, ''The FloEFD solution brings CFD capabilities right into the mechanical engineer's CAD processes, streamlining fluid flow analysis.'' It uses embedded best practices to help users set up and execute complex fluid flow problems such as hydraulic systems and cooling air flow without the need for deep knowledge of CFD techniques.

''This is a paradigm shift that will improve the design of products in which fluids play an important role'' said John MacKrell, CIMdata Senior Consultant. The paper is available for free download from CIMdata's web site at http://www.cimdata.com.

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