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Precision die systems for high-efficiency lithium-ion batteries
http://cn.newmaker.com 8/26/2009 7:43:00 PM  佳工机电网
Precision die systems for high-efficiency lithium-ion batteriesThe key to achieving a renewable alternative to fossil fuels for transportation is the development of compact, lightweight, high-efficiency lithium-ion batteries that can perform for years through thousands of charging cycles.

Extrusion Dies Industries, LLC (EDI) now supplies die systems that produce the exceedingly precise coating and film layers required for the multilayer structures within such batteries that actually do the job of generating electrical power. EDI works on process development with manufacturers of lithium-ion battery components at their own facilities and in the film and coating process laboratories at EDI's new Technology Center in Chippewa Falls. Among technologies perfected by EDI is a system for simultaneously applying anode or cathode coatings to both sides of a substrate, enabling electrode manufacturers to increase productivity by using a flotation dryer to dry both sides at the same time. ''Because EDI specializes in high-precision flat die systems for films and coatings, we see ourselves as providers of enabling technologies for manufacturers seeking to increase battery efficiency, reduce weight and cost, and ensure reliability,'' said John A. Ulcej, president. ''EDI brings years of experience in developing film and coating die systems for batteries, as well as for other critical multilayer electronic applications like flat panel displays and solar panels.'' ( www.extrusiondies.com)

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·[图]EDI中国公司现开始制造新的平模头,确保“一个电话就能得到”所有的EDI产品和服务 2/14/2009
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·[图]全新设计的大型熔体泵可提高产量、改善产品质量并简化客户对于泵机的选择 3/11/2021
·[图]增强型幅宽调节封堵设计提高了挤出淋膜模头的生产效率,而且更容易操作和维护 5/20/2020
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·[图]诺信新款在线工具可自动计算安装齿轮泵后节省的树脂成本和投资回报 4/9/2019
·[图]诺信新款过滤设备显著提升换网器效率,带来更细的过滤精度、更高的吞吐量并延长过滤器使用寿命 3/21/2019
·[图]在线分析工具可以计算专为快速更改厚度而设计的先进片材模头的投资回报率 11/1/2018
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·[图]集成了熔化、输送和涂布组件的成套热熔胶涂布工作站 8/9/2009
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