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LANXESS' butyl rubber to start production in 2014
http://cn.newmaker.com 8/26/2009 4:57:00 PM  佳工机电网
LANXESS' butyl rubber to start production in 2014Due to the continuing global economic crisis, LANXESS AG is postponing the construction of its new butyl rubber facility in Singapore. Production is now scheduled to start in 2014.

LANXESS will use the time to finish developing an innovative technology for butyl rubber production that will then be used at the new facility. The 100,000 tons per annum plant originally planned for Singapore, which would have cost up to EUR 400 million to build, had been due on stream in 2012. ''We expect the new capacity to be needed in 2014 at the earliest,'' said LANXESS Board of Management Chairman Axel C. Heitmann in Singapore. ''Deferring the project by two years will enable us to continue development work based on a recent technological breakthrough to the point where a new process can be deployed on an industrial scale. We can then use this process in the future butyl rubber production facility on Jurong Island. That way Singapore will have the world's most modern plant with a unique process technology,'' Mr. Heitmann added.

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·工业原材料展区 > 橡胶/轮胎展厅 > 丁基橡胶 > 橡胶/轮胎新闻

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