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LANXESS reduces production for Butyl Rubber
http://cn.newmaker.com 1/21/2009 12:48:00 PM  佳工机电网
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NXESS AG has decided to reduce production of butyl rubber at its plants in Sarnia, Canada, and Zwijndrecht, Belgium, due to a decline in demand for the product.

In the coming months, the plants belonging to the Business Unit Butyl Rubber (BTR) will either be operating at reduced capacity levels or will be temporarily shut down for several weeks, which will allow for routine maintenance work. About 360 employees in total are affected by the measures. Flexible working time arrangements for the employees, such as reduction of overtime and use of annual vacation, will be implemented in Canada. Employees in Belgium will be put on short-time working.

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·中国首套溴化丁基橡胶装置进入开车阶段 年产量达3万吨 8/9/2011
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·工业原材料展区 > 橡胶/轮胎展厅 > 丁基橡胶 > 橡胶/轮胎新闻

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