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Spartanics flexible combination roll/sheet-fed laser die cutting machine now available worldwide
http://cn.newmaker.com 8/24/2009 2:08:00 PM  佳工机电网
Spartanics flexible combination roll/sheet-fed laser die cutting machine now available worldwideSpartanics Finecut Combination Web & Sheet-fed Laser Die Cutting Machine designed to overcome the limitations of traditional die cutting operations, is now available to worldwide plastics decorators and other plastic products manufacturers.

With an eye to giving worldwide plastics decorators and other plastic products manufacturers the full operational versatility they need to survive and thrive both in current economic conditions and in the better times expected ahead, the Spartanics Finecut Combination model laser die cutting machine has multiple flexibility-focused design features-Sheet-fed or coil-fed jobs can be quickly interchanged, with jobs loaded and setup completed in minutes.

-Any and all types of printing processes can be finished by the same laser die cutting machine--- from flexo, screen, digital etc. printing lines—and cut in intricate detail in limitless shapes and geometries.

-Any combination of cutting and marking details can be made in one cycle---kiss-cutting, through-cutting, consecutive numbering, personalizing, perforating, creasing, and more.

-Single source laser design combined with the sophisticated software that underlies all Finecut technology delivers defect-free cutting and ability to seamlessly stitch images together for unlimited X-direction part dimensions.

Mike Bacon, Spartanics VP Sales and Marketing explains, ''Flexibility is so important in today's market and we feel that this hybrid product gives our customers an advantage. By interchanging rolls with sheets, you can turnaround short run sheet jobs on the fly and then switch to long run flexo jobs to maximize operational efficiencies. You're able to follow market opportunities where you find them—using tool-free cutting that avoids delays and costs for tools.''

Like all Spartanics Laser Die Cutting machines, the Combination model has the same Finecut software engineering that has re-defined quality standards, speed (up to 125 meters/min web speed with single source lasers), automatic optimization of cutting sequences and other features for superior tool-free cutting.

Rolling Meadows, Illinois, USA-headquartered Spartanics (www.spartanics.com) manufactures best-in-class technology for both tool-free (laser-based), steel rule die, and male/female hard tool cutting systems, among other equipment for finishing products made from flat stock materials. Its worldwide service organization uses state-of-the-art virtual service technician technology and also maintains offices and spare parts in Europe.

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