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达索系统集团 Dassault Systemes
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Dassault Systemes Launches V6R2010 6/24/2009 9:39:00 PM
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06-23-2009 - Furthers V6 Adoption with Extended Industry Solutions and New PLM Express Mid Market Offer

PARIS, June 23, 2009 - Dassault Systèmes (DS) (Euronext Paris: #13065, DSY.PA), a world leader in 3D and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, today launched V6R2010, the latest release of its new platform. Today's announcement introduces 42 new V6 products supporting business processes in all industries and a new offer, V6 PLM Express, tailored specifically for mid-market businesses and small teams within large organizations. V6R2010 also includes groundbreaking direct modeling capabilities and realistic simulation solutions for non-experts.

Odile Desforges, EVP engineering and quality, Renault, comments: ''With the objective to transform our engineering processes worldwide, we needed to replace multiple existing solutions with a single, integrated and globally deployable one. We also wanted to concentrate on collaborative engineering for improved efficiency. After about one year of testing, we chose the full V6 portfolio because its integrated PLM environment perfectly responded to our requirements in terms of real-time collaboration and online-enabled design.'' Desforges adds: ''We will deploy Dassault Systèmes' V6 solutions worldwide for the development of our future engines and cars from mid-2010. The scalability and openness of the V6 platform, its out-of-the box configurations and its easy-to-use intuitive V6 interface make it appealing. V6's inherent integration to the supply chain means our teams will be able to collaborate seamlessly with suppliers.''

In recent months Dassault Systèmes' V6 collaborative platform has been widely adopted in industries such as Apparel (Guess, Under Armour, Trent Ltd.) Consumer Packaged Goods (Procter&Gamble), Life Sciences (Beckman Coulter), High Tech (Lexmark International, novero), Semiconductor (Dialog Semiconductor, INSIDE Contactless), Energy (Oceaneering, Stork GLT), Aerospace (Piaggio Aero Industries, Eaton Aerospace), Automotive (EATON, Great Walls Motors, Johnson Controls), Business Services (TÜV Rheinland) and Construction (Skanska).

V6R2010 opens up key PLM 2.0 values to the mid-market, including real-time seamless collaboration, online-enabled design-anywhere functionality, and a single, open scalable platform, in a pre-packaged, ready-to-use environment engineered for rapid deployment. Release 2010 and its mid-market solutions are the latest examples of how DS is continually advancing the simplicity and accessibility of PLM 2.0. PLM Express' role-based selections of the full V6 portfolio and its out-of-the-box configurations make the solution easy to buy and implement. Because all V6 solutions share the same interface and data model, mid-market users can inherently collaborate and integrate with OEMs. Support for multi-CAD interoperability and hybrid V4-V5 implementations, will be enhanced thanks to V6's open architecture.

"PLM 2.0 is an enterprise-wide business transformation catalyst integrating both industrial business processes and dedicated applications. V6's lifelike experience, IP collaboration, modeling, simulation and manufacturing solutions provide customers an agnostic and federating platform that truly accelerates PLM 2.0 transformations," says Dominique Florack, senior executive vice president, Products, Research and Development, Dassault Systèmes. "V6R2010 delivers the promise of our virtual universes through our unified open architecture and our deep understanding of collaborative and social innovation needs."

A key differentiator of V6 is to deliver the power of PLM to communities of expert and casual users. CATIA Live Shape introduces a revolutionary direct 3D modeling paradigm. It allows casual users to quickly create design concepts in a lifelike environment and easily modify existing designs, including those from other CAD solutions. SIMULIA V6 DesignSight Structure makes advanced non linear finite element analysis technology available to non-experts.

V6R2010: A new step towards industry performance

High-tech - V6R2010 ready to use business process capabilities enable high-tech OEMs and EMS companies to drive an efficient sourcing strategy and ensure product and component compliance, while enabling ''Design Anywhere, Manufacture Anywhere'' agility and savings. This release also extends the DS solutions value for the semiconductor industry by connecting digital and embedded software designers working within the Eclipse IDE to their analog and custom design peers working within EDA environments. This single, collaborative design management system leads to improved quality and time to market for complex IC products.

Shipbuilding and Energy - V6R2010 3D equipment catalogs, tubing and piping are the first set of dedicated advanced authoring applications that benefit from the V6 collaborative platform. It also manages transverse processes, optimizing equipment installation simulation, maintenance and revamp operations and real-time project management, with solutions such as ''3DVIA Composer Player Pro'' and ''ENOVIA Report Generator''.

Life Sciences - V6R2010 enables the management of the increasing complexity of medical devices coupled with growing quality requirements. CATIA Systems links medical devices test scenarios, test results and product versions, all information being managed in the ENOVIA V6 collaboration platform. In addition, the new Life Sciences Accelerator for Product Introduction entitles product management from concept to recycling and ensures compliance with industry regulations at each stage of product development.

Industrial Equipment - Global industrial equipment companies of all sizes face increasing product variability and disruptions in the value chain while delivering ever faster innovative products. With V6 PLM Express, V6R2010 focuses on small and medium size companies with a sales configurator that entitles online component and sourcing management to lower the total cost of ownership.

Consumer Packaged Goods - V6R2010 introduces a new ENOVIA CPG Accelerator. The Integrated Product Management accelerator integrates components and formula raw materials for comprehensive product definition, enabling global change management and dynamic approval to accommodate regulated industry requirements. In addition, V6R2010 SIMULIA is bringing a major step for support of simulation lifecycle management (SLM) processes for the CPG industry.

Consumer Goods - V6R2010 connects apparel sourcing and production offices seamlessly to brand and retail headquarters. The ENOVIA Apparel Accelerator for Sourcing and Production manages not only sampling, testing, RFQ (Request for Quote), and costing activities but also related pre-production activities: Apparel brands can now refine their global sourcing plan strategies to a combination of supplier/ factory/ country of origin (COO) level enabling analysis and implementation of sourcing distribution, budgeting and workload plans. Vendor capacity plans may be generated and validated with the supply base directly. Pre-purchase order related assortment details may be managed by sourcing allowing pre-production related activities to be accurately tracked and managed without the necessity of an FGPO (Finished Goods Purchase Order) to be generated.

Automotive - V6R2010 brings a major breakthrough in the area of Collaborative Engineering and Manufacturing for the Automotive Industry, OEM's and their suppliers. With a single PLM platform for IP management, V6 offers a seamless product to process integration without any engineering and manufacturing data duplication. This leads to dramatic reduction of end to end business processes such as Body-in-White. V6 ensures traceability along the product lifecycle from requirement to functional breakdown structure, logical architecture, physical engineering and manufacturing engineering. V6R2010 CATIA systems offers multi-discipline engineering in mechatronics and embedded software. DELMIA V6R2010 Robotics enables companies to develop multiple resource layouts for any given manufacturing process plan and provides key decision making tools to assess plant capacity, throughput, efficiency and associated costs. With online creation and collaboration, car makers can quickly exchange with partners and suppliers around the globe.

Aerospace - V6R2010 delivers risk management at the program level, provides real-time views on program status and manages IP protection. These are major assets to an industry, in which the globalization of the aerospace supply chain has created a need for greater visibility, collaboration and enhanced control on overall program activities and deliverables from concept to end of life. The difficult economic environment is driving companies to be more and more demanding. Customers are requiring aircrafts with greater performance at lower cost with on-time delivery while respecting the growing need to be environmentally friendly.

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达索系统集团 Dassault Systemes联系方式:
网址: http://www.3ds.com/cn/ 电话:86-400-919-6745
地址: 中国·上海·上海浦东新区陆家嘴环路1233号汇亚大厦 邮编200120

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