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Delcam to present inspection developments at NPE/MoldMaking Expo 6/10/2009 12:18:00 PM

Delcam to present inspection developments at NPE/MoldMaking Expo

Delcam Marketing Manager Peter Dickin will present the latest developments in his company's PowerINSPECT inspection software at the MoldMaking Expo Technical Conference to be held from 23rd to 25th June alongside the National Plastics Exposition in Chicago. The new version of the software, PowerINSPECT 6, will be demonstrated on the Delcam booth at the MoldMaking Expo.

Also presenting during the inspection workshop will be Brad Hollandsworth from CADCAM Systems Inc, an unusual company that combines being a Delcam reseller with operating a sub-contract machining business, and Jeff Schaller, from Strohwig Industries, who will describe his company's use of the On-Machine Verification version of PowerINSPECT.

The overall theme of the workshop will be to show how inspection can be used to make money. "Too many companies still regard inspection as an expensive, complicated and time-consuming operation that limits their profitability,'' claimed Mr. Dickin. "This workshop aims to show how modern inspection software can be the basis for a new approach with an emphasis on making money.''

He explained that there are at least five ways in which this is possible: inspection can save your reputation by finding mistakes before your customer does; it can save money by spotting errors earlier and correcting them at lower cost; it can eliminate time spent working on parts that are already too far out of tolerance; it can improve consistency and so reduce waste; and it can improve quality and so help companies to win more business.

The new version of PowerINSPECT includes a range of enhancements to make it easier and more flexible to use, and so even more profitable for the companies that use it. The most obvious change is a completely new interface for undertaking "simple'' measurements. This will make it much easier to undertake basic tasks, such as measuring the distance between two points or two planes, or the centres of two circles, or checking the thickness of a section.

Other enhancements include easier editing of the inspection sequence to add or delete points, more versatile handling of data from geometric features, and even clearer reporting.

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