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Seekan Interlayer investing in film plant for solar market
http://cn.newmaker.com 4/9/2009 12:05:00 PM  佳工机电网
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Chinese EVA film producer Seekan Interlayer Technology Co. Ltd. is building a second factory to target what it sees as long-term opportunities in the solar energy market, even as its customers in China's solar module manufacturing industry are seeing a sharp contraction caused by the global economic downturn.

Seekan, in Zhenjiang said the new facility would double its capacity when it opens in 2010, giving it 15 lines. The company says it is one of China's largest producers of ethylene vinyl acetate films, and it also makes polyvinyl butral.

Seekan spokewoman Alina Lee said China's photovoltaic solar module industry saw a 50 percent cutback in production after the financial crisis last year, which mirrors other industry estimates, as many module makers shuttered lines. The company is using four of its seven production lines currently, she said.

But Lee said long-term, Seekan expects growth in the solar PV module market and wants to be ready when the market returns.

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