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State of the Art Size reduction technology in operation at the NURRC PET bottle Recycling Plant
http://cn.newmaker.com 2/11/2009 9:37:00 AM  佳工机电网
State of the Art Size reduction technology in operation at the NURRC PET bottle Recycling PlantOne of the world largest PET bottle recycling plant for food grade flakes has been opened at Spartanburg, South Carolina, USA.

The operation is a joint venture of URRC and Coca Cola named NURRC and will process 50.000 tons / year (output) of PET bottles at its final stage. This plant is not only a significant environmental benefit but with 100 newly created jobs also an advantage for the local community. NURRC uses the latest state of the art technology in processing post consumer PET bottles into food grade flakes.

The selected equipment supplier for the size reduction part is Herbold Meckesheim GmbH from Germany with a total of 6 units of its new series of forced feeding granulators. This new granulator series type SB offers key features of today's demand for reliable, energy saving and highly productive recycling machinery.

The bottles in the granulator storage hopper are evenly and horizontally fed into the cutting chamber with the help of feeding screws which gives several advantages compared to standard granulators of the same size. It increases the throughput up to 50% and more, the power consumption is reduced up to 50% by using smaller motors, the cutting chamber is evenly loaded which results in fewer fines and dust in the regrind, there are no fly- backs and a reduced sound emission.

In addition to these features the Herbold granulators are all fitted with replaceable wear parts at the critical areas, a must for post consumer size reduction equipment. This new Herbold Meckesheim granulator series is not only suitable for the processing of bottles but as well of all shredded plastic waste, it can be used in dry or also for wet operation.

For more information Herbold Meckesheim GmbH web site: www.Herbold.com

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