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Optimally designed drives on shredding machinery for plastics
http://cn.newmaker.com 9/20/2007 10:09:00 PM  www.PEplus.co.uk
塑料粉碎机, 橡胶粉碎机, 塑料回收机, ...
The change in the form of a product by shredding is a central process stage in processing of plastics. Its efficiency depends here essentially on the best possible designed drive for the shredding machine used. At K 2007, WEIMA Maschinenbau GmbH, Ilsfeld, presents optimum drive concepts for different tasks in plastics shredding, such as hydraulic, compact and conventional drive.

Single shaft shredders are used for shredding of plastics that are difficult to shred, up to the toughest plastics, films, mixed materials, etc and are optimally fitted then with a hydraulic drive. This hydraulic drive is then entirely insensitive to disturbing substances. Speed and torque can be adapted according to the material to be shredded, without undesirable current peaks arising. The available drive power can be optimally applied so that the power consumption under partial load can be reduced by as much as 30 percent.

With compact drive, the electric drive motor is connected directly with the shredding machine and adjusted via a frequency converter to the required speed or required torque, so that it is possible to desist from use of a gear. The machines are characterised by a compact design, high performance, in particular with the single shaft shredders in the speed range of 20-200 rpm, quiet running, low wear and a high degree of system rigidity.

Conventional drive – when used with granulators and single shaft shredders, for example – is applied using a standard motor and via a gear, through which the speed is adjusted. The machines can be universally used.

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