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Dubai Victory Team Boats Fly with SolidWorks
http://cn.newmaker.com 1/16/2009 10:06:00 AM  佳工机电网
2008 Class 1 World Powerboat Champions Design Faster Boats Using SolidWorks 3D CAD and Simulation Software

Dubai Victory Team is using SolidWorks® 3D CAD and SolidWorks Simulation design validation software to develop high-speed powerboats that will sustain the team's reign as world champions. Fresh off of its 2008 Class 1 World Powerboat Championship win, the team is now preparing for the rigorous 2009 season by using SolidWorks to improve hydro- and aerodynamics. Dubai Victory Team hopes the newly redesigned boats will continue to rocket at 160 miles per hour or more to new championships and speed records.

Key facts

The Class 1 World Powerboat Championship features international teams competing in a series of races held around the world. One driver and one throttle person operate each boat.

Each boat is 42 feet long, with twin 900 horsepower engines powered by propellers with five blades.

Victory standardized on SolidWorks to transition from 2D drawings to 3D modeling to wring more performance from the boats.

Optimizing hydro- and aerodynamics is paramount since only one propeller blade is in the water pushing the 4,800-kilogram boat at any time.
Engineers redesigned the propeller in SolidWorks, using lighter and stronger material to deliver better weight/performance ratio.

SolidWorks' surfacing helps Victory Team engineer gaps out of the boat's hull, deck and cockpit designs, ensuring the boat is completely water tight - especially after integrating vendors' designs.

SolidWorks' large assembly and collision detection features save time while enabling engineers to optimize the propeller and power train design.

Victory Team uses SolidWorks Simulation software to study how different parts of the boat's assembly will stand up to the rigors of powerboat racing.

SolidWorks Motion enables the team to conduct torque and acceleration analysis of one of its gear boxes.

In the future, Victory engineers will use SolidWorks to more accurately calculate the boat's center of gravity to create more options for reducing weight (via material thickness analyses) and delivering more power.


From Edmond Husseini

Head of Technical Office, Dubai Victory Team

''At top speed, these boats are airborne except for the propeller. A gust of wind or a surprise cross-wave could flip the boat. That's why it's imperative that the drivers have complete confidence in the boat's design. SolidWorks gives us new options we wouldn't try in 2D, so we can explore different ways to push the envelope for better performance and safety.''

About Victory

In 1992, the Dubai Victory Team entered the World of Class 1 Powerboating as exhibition entries, claiming an impressive first and second in the final two rounds of the championship. Since then, the Victory Team name has gone on to become one of the most successful in the history of powerboat racing. For more information, visit the Web site (http://www.victoryteam.ae/) and (http://www.class-1.com/).

About Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp.
Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp., a Dassault Systèmes S.A. (Nasdaq: DASTY, Euronext Paris: #13065, DSY.PA) brand, develops and markets software for design, analysis, and product data management. It is the leading supplier of 3D CAD technology, providing intuitive, high-performing software that helps product design teams develop great products.

About Dassault Systèmes

As a world leader in 3D and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, Dassault Systèmes brings value to more than 100,000 customers in 80 countries. A pioneer in the 3D software market since 1981, Dassault Systèmes develops and markets PLM application software and services that support industrial processes and provide a 3D vision of the entire lifecycle of products from conception to maintenance to recycling. The Dassault Systèmes portfolio consists of CATIA for designing the virtual product - SolidWorks for 3D mechanical design - DELMIA for virtual production - SIMULIA for virtual testing - ENOVIA for global collaborative lifecycle management, and 3DVIA for online 3D lifelike experiences. Dassault Systèmes is listed on the Nasdaq (DASTY) and Euronext Paris (#13065, DSY.PA) stock exchanges. For more information, visit http://www.3ds.com.

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