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ZWSOFT Announces Release of ZWCAD(TM) 2010 Portuguese (Brazil) 4/5/2010 1:28:00 PM

ZWSOFT Announces Release of ZWCAD(TM) 2010 Portuguese (Brazil)

GUANGZHOU, China, March 25 -- ZWCAD Software Co., Ltd., the leading supplier of CAD platforms, today announces the release of ZWCAD(TM) 2010 Portuguese (Brazil) version. Now available in 15 multilingual versions, including Chinese Simplified and Traditional), Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Hungarian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish, ZWCAD 2010 surpasses the competition in language availability!

We speak the language of CAD and now you can too. Key ZWCAD 2010 Portuguese (Brazil) features include the program application (console and settings), installation interfaces, drop down menu, toolbar, command prompt, and CD menu which provided in Portuguese, allows operators and CAD managers to work in their native language for vastly improved efficiency, and join a global family of companies and businesses that "speak the ZWCAD language" of powerful, unsurpassed CAD design!

Experience ZWCAD 2010's unrivalled compatibility in native DWG format with support for Windows(R) XP, 2003, Vista, and more, as well as seamless integration with Windows 7 to strengthen and enhance your communication with Windows Operating Systems. Along with all the great drafting features already a standard part of ZWCAD, new and improved features like Memory Optimization provide greater speed and stability, while advanced management features and powerful application programming interfaces will make your work experience more efficient and streamlined.

April 6-10, Sao Paulo, Brazil, TotalCAD (ZWCAD's Brazilian distributor,
http://www.totalcad.com.br/) will launch the Portuguese version of ZWCAD 2010 at FEICON 2010. If you are there, be sure to stop by and experience the future of CAD design, in your language!

Our second annual design contest to showcase and reward the imaginations and talents of CAD users everywhere is quickly approaching the April 25, 2010 deadline! Compete on a global level, showcase your talent, and share your vision of the future by submitting a design for something we might see in 2015. Whatever the field -- architecture, engineering, construction or manufacturing -- all that matters is that you create the design with ZWCAD, and you're in the competition for the prizes -- iPod Touch, iPod Nanos and ZWCAD 2010 licenses! Meet the distinguished judges, learn all the contest details and how to submit your design at: http://www.zwcad.org/dc2010/.


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网址: http://www.zwcad.com 电话:86-020-38289780
地址: 中国·广东·广州市天河区天河北路886号4楼 邮编510635

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