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Cimatron 思美创(北京)科技有限公司
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Cimatron's Webinar Showcases Integrated Die Design and Manufacturing Improving Shop's Profitability 1/10/2009 2:39:00 PM
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Jan. 7, 2009 - Hundreds of Tool Makers Attended Online Seminar Hosted by Cimatron and MetalForming Magazine with a Case Study Presentation by Norco Industries; Recording Now Available

Givat Shmuel, Israel - January 7, 2009 - Cimatron Limited (Nasdaq: CIMT), a leading provider of integrated CAD/CAM solutions for mold, tool and die makers as well as manufacturers of discrete parts, announced that hundreds of tool and die makers attended an online web seminar (webinar) hosted by MetalForming Magazine and sponsored by Cimatron.

In the first part of the webinar, David Lindemann of Cimatron Technologies Inc. walked the audience through a detailed explanation of best practices in integrating die design and manufacturing processes.

A case study presentation by Mark Modglin of Norco Industries demonstrated how the integration of these processes can help tool and die makers improve productivity, responsiveness, and ultimately the company's bottom-line results.
''Having an integrated system allows all the departments to see the same data, which has greatly improved our communication and workflow,'' said Modglin. ''We have been able to cut time out of design, build, and assembly for every project we have been working on. We have also seen great improvement in the handling of engineering change orders due to the parametric features of the Cimatron software.''

The webinar was moderated by Brad Kuvin, Editor of MetalForming Magazine. ''I believe this session provided the audience with some great ideas of what can be achieved by integrating the design and manufacturing processes,'' said Kuvin. ''The fact that this large number of die makers took the time out of their work day during this busy time of the year to attend this webinar speaks for the urgency to improve operational efficiency that is felt in the industry.''
To view the recording of the webinar, visit http://www.cimatrontech.com.

About Cimatron

With over 25 years of experience and more than 40,000 installations worldwide, Cimatron is a leading provider of integrated, CAD/CAM solutions for mold, tool and die makers as well as manufacturers of discrete parts. Cimatron is committed to providing comprehensive, cost-effective solutions that streamline manufacturing cycles, enable collaboration with outside vendors, and ultimately shorten product delivery time.

The Cimatron product line includes the CimatronE and GibbsCAM brands with solutions for mold design, die design, electrodes design, 2.5 to 5 axes milling, wire EDM, turn, Mill-turn, rotary milling, multi-task machining, and tombstone machining. Cimatron's subsidiaries and extensive distribution network serve and support customers in the automotive, aerospace, medical, consumer plastics, electronics, and other industries in over 40 countries worldwide.

Cimatron is publicly traded on the NASDAQ exchange under the symbol CIMT. For more information, please visit the company web site at: http://www.cimatron.com

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