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FARO 法如国际贸易(上海)有限公司
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FARO Earns Six-Laser Scanner Order from Quantapoint 11/22/2008 8:18:00 PM

FARO Earns Six-Laser Scanner Order from Quantapoint

LAKE MARY, FL., November 25, 2008 - FARO (NASDAQ: FARO), the world leader in computer-aided measurement and imaging innovations, sold six high performance Photon Laser Scanners to Quantapoint, a leading provider of laser scanning software and analysis, quality control, documentation and decision-support services.

''FARO's primary value-add is providing a broad range of measurement technologies to support our customers' operations,'' said David Morse, FARO SVP and Managing Director for the Americas. ''In this case, Quantapoint is integrating our Photon laser scanners with their own Laser Model™ technology and software to help their customers eliminate preventable project defects.''

Citing a high demand for zero-defect services using laser scanning, Quantapoint immediately deployed all six systems for global projects with scopes ranging from entire process plants and buildings to offshore platforms and nuclear facilities.provide a fast, simple method for the 3-D data capture and measurement of large objects and environments with exceptional detail.

''FARO has a long history of successful measurement technologies,'' said Eric Hoffman, Founder of Quantapoint. ''The very clear and 'crisp' output from the FARO Photon makes it ideal to supplement our existing laser scanner technology and create high-resolution facility Laser Models™ that can be accessed directly using PRISM 3D™ or within various CAD packages using QuantaCAD™.''

The Photon, released to the public on February 26, 2008, is the third in FARO's series of high performance laser scanners. Engineered for surveyors, architects, plant managers and accident investigators, FARO laser scanners

Quantapoint has performed more than 1,200 projects and 150,000 incident-free man-hours for architectural firms, engineering and construction companies, offshore platforms, power plants and process facilities.

About FARO

With approximately 18,000 installations and 8,600 customers globally, FARO Technologies, Inc. designs, develops, and markets portable, computerized measurement devices and software used to create digital models - or to perform evaluations against an existing model - for anything requiring highly detailed 3-D measurements, including part and assembly inspection, factory planning and asset documentation, as well as specialized applications ranging from surveying, recreating accident sites and crime scenes to digitally preserving historical sites.

FARO''s technology increases productivity by dramatically reducing the amount of on-site measuring time, and the various industry-specific software packages enable users to process and present their results quickly and more effectively.

Principal products include the world''s best-selling portable measurement arm - the FaroArm; the world''s best-selling laser tracker - the FARO Laser Tracker X and Xi; the FARO Laser ScanArm; FARO Photon Laser Scanners; the FARO Gage, Gage-PLUS and PowerGAGE; and the CAM2 Q family of advanced CAD-based measurement and reporting software. FARO Technologies is ISO-9001 certified and ISO-17025 laboratory registered.

About Quantapoint

Quantapoint ( http://www.quantapoint.com) provides laser scanning technology and services that help our clients achieve Zero-Defect Projects™. We ''digitize'' facilities using patented laser scanning technology and then use our award-winning Laser Model™ technology to create a high-resolution Digitized Facility™ that can be accessed directly or within various CAD packages. Quantapoint also provides analysis, quality control, documentation and decision support services to eliminate the most common sources of preventable project defects from across the project lifecycle (http://www.quantapoint.com/capabilities). It is Quantapoint's unique combination of innovative laser scanning technology and professional services that help our clients achieve Zero-Defect Projects™, beating project budgets and schedules by 15% or more and saving millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours. For more information on our technology and services, please visit www.quantapoint.com, e-mail info@quantapoint.com or call +1-412-653-0100.

About Quantapoint Laser Models

Laser Models™ (http://www.quantapoint.com/capabilities/lasermodels) are a unique Quantapoint technology that integrates all laser scan data to provide detailed, high-definition 3D solid ''models'' of a facility. Laser Models offer clear advantages over older ''point cloud'' technology, whose sparse data make it difficult to visualize or understand the facility and more likely to miss critical design details.

三维激光扫描仪, 激光跟踪仪, 3D点云软件, ...

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FARO 法如国际贸易(上海)有限公司联系方式:
网址: http://www.faro.com/zh-cn/ 电话:86-21-6191-7600
地址: 中国·上海·上海市徐汇区平福路188号聚鑫信息科技园2号楼1楼 邮编200231

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