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The VIUscan color scanner: product of the month of October in the NASA Tech Briefs! 11/1/2008 10:35:00 PM

The VIUscan color scanner: product of the month of October in the NASA Tech Briefs!

Creaform, Levis, QE, Canada, offers the VIUscan™, the latest addition to the Handyscan 3D line of handheld scanners, which are used for the design, manufacturing, and inspection of any type of parts or assembly.

VIUscan is a selfpositioning, high-resolution, portable 3D color scanner that creates an exact representation of an object, and generates files that can be exported to most CAD platforms. The scanner features simultaneous texture and geometry acquisition, real-time rendering, true color acquisition via a built-in lighting system, adjustable uniform texture resolution, and automatic texture mapping. The texture and geometry of an object are automatically acquired in the same reference system and aligned together, eliminating an additional alignment step normally required after scanning. Resolution parameters enable users to increase or decrease the texture and geometry resolution, independent of one another. It requires no external reference system and no external tracking or positioning devices. A topmounted button lets users switch between color-textured geometry scanning or geometry scanning only.

三维激光扫描仪, 激光跟踪仪, 3D点云软件, ...

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