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ESI Group Successfully Concludes the MARI Consortium 10/13/2008 9:36:00 AM

ESI Group Successfully Concludes the MARI Consortium

All members adopted VA One into their Vibro-Acoustics solution

Paris, France - October 10, 2008 - ESI Group (ESIN FR0004110310), a pioneer and world-leading supplier of digital simulation software for prototyping and manufacturing processes, announced today the successful completion of its Marine Aerospace Rail and Industrial (MARI) consortium. Established in 2006, the MARI consortium is comprised of companies (such as Airbus, Alstom, Amado-Breda, BAE Systems, Bombardier, EADS, Oerlikon, QinetiQ, Volvo, VTT) interested in finding the best modelling guidelines for complex and often ribbed structures using ESI Group's VA One simulation solution for vibro-acoustic analysis and design.

During the MARI consortium, ESI Group developed a new module called the Periodic Subsystem Module. This module uses a FE model of a periodic cell of a structure and computes the corresponding SEA parameters to be applied to an SEA subsystem given a number of cells in both principle directions. It has the advantage of describing the complexity of the structure with better accuracy than the earlier ribbed panel formulation. In fact, most MARI members found this module useful and of great value since most of them have to deal with ribbed and corrugated panels in one form or the other.

This consortium demonstrates the value and benefits VA One provides - a robust software solution accompanied by the expertise to guide new and experienced users in their quest for the best representation of the physics for design decisions.

"The MARI consortium has made a great contribution in terms of growth of know-how… VA One is an indispensable tool in Ansaldobreda! VA One allows us to analyze a realistic model of noise and vibration performance,'' Francesco Grazzini, ANSALDOBREDA.

''[In VA One] the computation and the implementation of models being faster than with other BEM software, we can hope to be able to do more numerical studies…Implementation of model to compute Transmission Loss (TL) is easier and faster than VLab … computation is much faster than VLab,'' Fabienne Guerville, Alstom Transportation.

''VA One has showed that structure borne noise prediction can be a reality and the difficulties we had in the past, in terms of model building, computation time and results have been clearly improved. ALSTOM is going to continue its validation of hybrid techniques to continue improving the acoustic comfort of passenger trains,'' Joan Sapena, Alstom Transportation.

''This approach [FE/SEA Coupled or HYBRID] is highly appropriate for complex vibro-acoustic problems such as the prediction of helicopter cabin noise and satellite structural vibration,'' Dr Michael Blakemore, QinetiQ.

"The best way to model these kinds of problems (vessels, ships) is to begin with SEA and refine it using FE. The final model could be a hybrid model or an SEA model including key parameters from separate FE-models. The benefit to us is that this can be done flexibly in a single software," Jukka Tanttari, VTT Smart Machines.

''The MARI consortium has been very useful for the exploitation of the full capabilities of VA One methodologies for rib-stiffened structures and other design elements typical of railway carbodies and aircraft,'' Ulf Orrenius, Bombardier Transportation.

About ESI GroupESI Group is a world-leading supplier and pioneer of digital simulation software for prototyping and manufacturing processes that take into account the physics of materials. ESI Group has developed an extensive suite of coherent, industry-oriented applications to realistically simulate a product's behavior during testing, to fine-tune manufacturing processes in accordance with desired product performance, and to evaluate the environment's impact on product performance. ESI Group's products represent a unique collaborative and open environment for Simulation-Based Design, enabling virtual prototypes to be improved in a continuous and collaborative manner while eliminating the need for physical prototypes during product development. The company employs over 700 high-level specialists worldwide covering more than 30 countries. ESI Group is listed in compartment C of NYSE Euronext Paris. For further information, visit www.esi-group.com.

The members of the MARI Consortium are (in alphabetic order): ALSTOM TRANSPORT, Ansaldo Breda - General Systems, BAE SYSTEMS - Submarine Solutions, BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION, EADS - AIRBUS, QinetiQ, VOLVO Trucks & VTT Smart Machines.

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网址: http://www.esi-group.com.cn 电话:86-20-32068272
地址: 中国·广东·科学城彩频路11号 邮编510663

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