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Camio 6.0 multi-sensor metrology software further expands its application reach
http://cn.newmaker.com 10/5/2008 9:33:00 PM  佳工机电网
Camio 6.0 multi-sensor metrology software further expands its application reachLeuven, September 30th 2008 - Metris (Euronext - MTRS) releases Camio 6.0 multi-sensor metrology software. Camio's multi-sensor portfolio covers laser scanning on CMMs as well as tactile 3-axis and 5-axis REVO scanning. With new enhancements in 3D laser scanning support, Camio 6.0 strengthens its position as a multi-sensor software platform for off-line programming and on-line inspection. Camio 6.0 enables part program creation to be performed independently from the selected sensor type. This offers unlimited flexibility when selecting the most appropriate sensors for inspecting virtually any type of component.

Premium laser scanning support

Further building on the success of Metris laser scanning on CMMs, Camio 6.0 now supports the revolutionary new Metris LC60D laser scanner. This fully digital laser scanner triples traditional scan rates and eliminates user interaction when scanning components with varying color or high reflectivity. Furthermore, powerful software algorithms enable Camio to inspect a broader range of generic and complex feature types, such as specialist fir tree connectors used on automotive sheet metal.

Driving tactile 5-axis REVO CMM scanning

For prismatic tactile measurement applications, such as engine or powertrain components inspection, Camio 6.0 supports the Renishaw REVO continuous 5-axis tactile probing system. In general, 5-axis scanning overcomes the limitations of other tactile inspection methods by providing higher speed, improved accuracy, better resolution and increased accessibility. Not only is the cycle time improved, but the setup time has been reduced to a single calibrated position per probe build. Unique features of the Camio REVO integration include dynamic probe positioning (DPP), which automatically corrects the probe head position to match the part alignment and ensures the stylus is perfectly aligned with the feature. Along with a complete set of graphical 5-axis programming tools that offer full simulation for on-line and off-line programming and full support for the emerging DMIS 5.1 5‑axis scanning commands, these capabilities guarantee forward-compatibility of REVO inspection programs.

Experience the ease-of-use of Camio 6.0

Camio 6.0 incorporates a number of improvements that enhance ease of use. The Datum Wizard has been greatly improved and now supports 8 feature types and over 20,000 datum combinations. ''Touch & Go'' is a new development that automatically initiates a new program, sets the datum or measures a feature whenever the operator uses the CMM handbox. Sensor management has been streamlined and now includes a new sensor explorer tree with a powerful context menu.

Guaranteed access to the latest CAD revisions

The Camio CADfast interface is a new intuitive stand-alone application that provides Camio Studio users with access to the very latest revisions of CAD. In addition, large CAD files can be processed much faster than before, or independently of Camio Studio using an off-line PC.

Ergonomic CMM handbox improves productivity

The new Metris CMM handbox is designed for ergonomic, single-hand operation and offers users a wealth of functionality. A single 3-axis touch-sensitive joystick provides manual control of the CMM motion, while a speed regulator can be used to vary the CMM speed when the program is running. In addition, a keypad of 18 multi-function buttons provides access to, and control over, various aspects of the software, and LEDs indicate the status of CMM and software.

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