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Metris LC60D laser scanner revolutionizes digital inspection
http://cn.newmaker.com 9/6/2008 5:22:00 PM  佳工机电网
Metris LC60D laser scanner revolutionizes digital inspectionLeuven, September 4th 2008 - Metris (Euronext - MTRS) launches LC60D, a next-generation digital 3D line scanner. Equipped with state-of-the-art digital technology and powerful on-board data processing, the LC60D scanner more than triples today's common scan rates. At IMTS 08 in Chicago, USA, Metris will premiere the LC60D, and demonstrate its superior scanning productivity, performance and robustness. LC60D strengthens and accelerates the Digital Inspection ProcessTM by scanning parts and streaming part geometry and model data into the design-through-manufacturing data flow.

Boosting scanning performance

Metris is recognized as the reference for CMM-based laser scanning, building on the success of its LC single-stripe and XC multi-stripe scanners. With the release of LC60D, Metris further extends its tradition of introducing ground-breaking scanner innovations. A major leap forward compared to its LC50 predecessor line scanner is a significant increase in productivity, which is achieved by speeding up the image acquisition frame rate from 25 to 75 Hertz. In combination with 15% wider laser stripe and 17% higher point resolution, the scan speed of the LC60D reaches a stunning 75,000 non-interpolated points per second.

The massive amount of measurement points radically increases the surface area the scanner is able to capture and process. As a result, LC60D operators can complete scanning jobs up to 3 times faster. This allows manufacturers to drastically compress the inspection cycle time for freeform parts, or boost the number of features that can be scanned in the same time frame.

Scanning any material by automatically adjusting scanner intensity

To effectively scan surfaces with varying color or high reflectivity, Metris introduces third-generation Enhanced Sensor Performance (ESP3). By dynamically adapting laser source intensity and CMOS camera sensitivity, LC60D automatically captures any gradual or abrupt change in surface characteristics. ESP3 functionality not only provides automatic real-time adjustment of sensor settings between successive laser stripes, but also for each individual point of the laser stripe. This ensures maximum data coverage on all surface materials and shapes, irrespective of surface finishing and lighting conditions.

Premium stability and reliability guaranteed

The LC60D bundles over 10 years of 3D laser scanning expertise. Metris development engineers optimized scanner design for maximum operational stability and robustness, by eliminating moving parts and mounting principal components in an ultra-stiff stress-free aluminum housing.

Metris designed the LC60D for premium temperature stability and together with the temperature compensation algorithms these features minimize warm-up time and guarantee reliable accuracy under shop floor conditions. The LC60D scanner even has zero warm-up time when it is taken from the heated ACR3 docking rack, resulting in minimum idle time and maximum scanning productivity.

Fully integrated scanning solutions

The LC60D scanner has been designed to easily integrate onto both Metris and other leading brand CMMs. Additionally it can also be used in conjunction with portable CMMs including both articulated arms and Optical CMMs.

The acclaimed Metris Focus software suite accelerates the entire workflow, from off-line preparation to final reporting. Focus Scan supports intuitive CAD-based generation of scanner motion paths, and Focus Inspection generates manual or automatic reports that display interactive 3D part-to-CAD or feature inspection results.

Integrated Metris scanning solutions accurately capture the complete 3D metrology signature of parts and assemblies in record time. This enables the Digital Inspection ProcessTM providing more profound metrology insight which is indispensable in improving and accelerating styling, tooling, prototyping and serial production.

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