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Metris iSpace creates large-scale metrology workspace on the spot 5/2/2008 5:40:00 PM

Metris iSpace creates large-scale metrology workspace on the spot

Stuttgart, April 24 2008 - Metris announces the launch of iSpace at the 2008 Control Show. Metris iSpace activates a large scale metrology workspace, in which objects can be measured and tracked accurately. Predefined configuration packages allow iSpace systems to be easily installed at economies never achievable in the past. Accurate and continuous system monitoring - guarantees robust and reliable iSpace operation.

Metris iSpace is based on proven Metris iGPS, a global positioning technology that turns workspaces into scalable metrology workvolumes using a network of iGPS transmitters. These laser-based transmitters create a measurement field that is extendable by adding more iGPS devices. The innovative network concept of this large-scale metrology solution guarantees uniform accuracy throughout the entire workspace. iGPS serves multiple concurrent users, and offers the unique capability to measure and track multiple objects simultaneously.

Metris iSpace now bundles iGPS technology into seven off-the-shelf configurations with measurement volumes ranging from 400 to 1200 square meters, available in different classes to suit the accuracy requirements of the customer.

iSpace is typically deployed in metrology applications to accurately position measurement devices, such as handheld probes, articulated arms and laser radars. These devices can be repositioned at any time without having to manually redefine their new locations each time they are moved. By eliminating these interruptions altogether, operators can take measurements non-stop anywhere needed within the entire metrology workspace, resulting in faster turnaround times. iSpace-enabled applications include the tracking of parts, tools and automatically guided vehicles (AGVs), part joining and assembly.

iSpace offers many benefits. It is designed for quick setup, making it easily deployable to different workspaces. The embedded auto-calibration function provides accurate and continuous system monitoring, guaranteeing robust and reliable iSpace operation.

''We have focused our efforts on making iSpace easier to deploy and more robust than previous implementations of iGPS technology,'' states Jarrad Morden, Vice President and General Manager of Metris Integration Services and Technologies. ''With the availability of a range of iSpace configurations, the innovative iGPS large-scale metrology concept is now within quick reach of a broad range of applications in aerospace, automotive and energy generation industries. And for customers and partners building project-based iGPS applications, Metris has developed a standard public interface that enables them to integrate and deploy their solutions more effectively with iSpace''.

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网址: Http://www.nikonmetrology.com 电话:86-21-68412050
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