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Laser Design's 3D Scanning Systems Offer CMM Capability with Intuitive Open DMIS® Software
http://cn.newmaker.com 7/26/2008 10:09:00 PM  佳工机电网
Laser Design's 3D Scanning Systems Offer CMM Capability with Intuitive Open DMIS® SoftwareMINNEAPOLIS, MN - Laser Design Inc., the leading supplier of 3D laser scanners for over 20 years, now offers the powerful, easy-to-use Open DMIS® software from Xspect Solutions with its dual-purpose Surveyor WS-Series systems. ''The new Xspect Open DMIS CMM software provides the industry's most powerful and easy-to-use CMM measuring software for mechanical touch-probe measurement functions,'' remarked C. Martin Schuster, President of Laser Design. ''This package easily converts our Surveyor WS-Series scanner into a dual purpose system offering both non-contact laser scanning and contact CMM measurement. Switching back and forth between the two modes is both fast and easy.''

Today's manufacturing industry is driven by speed, standards, and specifications. The Open DMIS software, which is independent of any CMM manufacturer, conforms to all of the existing and emerging international CMM standards, plus it is easy to use. Open DMIS presents a simplified and innovative user interface for the full-function CMM software. It contains professional CMM user capabilities but without the complicated user interface. Long training periods and steep learning curves for operators are things of the past with Open DMIS.

The transparent user interface allows open access to CMM-CAD performance. ''We call it 'functionally enhanced metrology,''' continued Schuster. The interface itself offers dynamic function-sensitive toolbars, action icons, and context-sensitive work areas. The graphics view port remains freely visible at all times maximizing operating efficiency: No windows to close, no cascading windows, no screen crowding, and absolutely no annoying drill-down functionality or pop-up windows. This metrology software greatly enhances speed of use since every Open DMIS function is only one mouse click away. CMM software for the first time is intuitive, powerful, and efficient to use.

''With its drag-and-drop functionality, click to measure simplicity, seamless integration into CAD packages, and DMIS 5.0 compliance, Open DMIS is a breakthrough in next-generation software,'' Schuster explained. ''The integration of the OpenDMIS CMM software with the Laser Design WS-Series Surveyor systems brings the best of both worlds to one measuring system platform for convenience, saving time, and saving money.''

Laser Design, Inc., has been the leading supplier of ultra-precise, 3D laser scanning systems and services for more than 20 years. Used for capturing the 3D shape of objects with complex geometries and free-form surfaces, Laser Design's Surveyor line of automated and portable scanning systems are ideal for 3D scanning applications involving inspection and reverse engineering of complex shaped plastic and metal parts. The company's patented laser line-probe technology dramatically reduces scanning time by collecting data substantially faster and more accurately than conventional metrology technologies. Laser Design integrates Geomagic software with its laser scanners to provide complete solutions for reverse engineering and inspection applications.

Headquartered in Minneapolis, the company also has Regional Technical Services and Support Centers in Seattle and Detroit, and distributors throughout Europe, Asia, and North America. Laser Design also operates GKS Inspection Services (www.GKS.com) , an in-house service bureau division offering complete 3D scanning, reverse engineering, terrestrial scanning and dimensional inspection services to customers worldwide.

For further information, contact Rick Passek, by phone (952-252-3412), fax (952-884-9653), via email to sales@laserdesign.com.

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