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Cavity Pressure Sensors Measure Every Shot for Quality Control 4/5/2008 1:06:00 PM

Cavity Pressure Sensors Measure Every Shot for Quality Control

A supplier of mould cavity pressure sensors for nearly 30 years, D-M-E has introduced new strain gauge-based sensors and added a 125-lb cavity pressure sensor to its line of 500- and 2,000-lb products. The sensors are used in conjunction with auxiliary recording and control equipment for measuring pressures in injection, die-cast, and transfer moulds. The new 125-lb model is perfect for smaller ejector pins and suitable for small moulds or applications where water lines, support pillars, or other mould features inhibit the use of slide sensors.

The new sensors enable moulders to better control process output quality. By precisely measuring the force of plastic in a mould cavity on every shot, they assure users that their parts are uniform and properly filled. If an error is detected, the part can be scrapped without the need for further testing or quality inspection.

Because each sensor is electrically identical, all have the same output, practically eliminating the need to recalibrate the readout system when sensors are exchanged. This makes errors in calibration nonexistent, and operators spend less time setting up control systems and recorders.

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D-M-E (China) Ltd 迪恩易(深圳)办事处联系方式:
网址: http://www.dme.net/ 电话:86-755-8601 9031
地址: 中国·广东·Huahan Building , No.16 Langshan Rd., 北高科工业区 邮编518133

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