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LMS Imagine and Noesis team up to launch LMS Imagine.Lab OPTIMUS 3/24/2008 12:09:00 PM

LMS Imagine and Noesis team up to launch LMS Imagine.Lab OPTIMUS

Integrated optimization module promotes higher productivity and optimal design performance

Leuven, Belgium - LMS International, the engineering innovation company, is pleased to introduce LMS Imagine.Lab OPTIMUS. With the integration of OPTIMUS, LMS Imagine.Lab AMESim gains new capabilities to capture and automate 1D simulation processes that facilitate quick assessment of multiple design options. This new optimization module also enables design and engineering teams to automatically select the optimal design, taking into account multiple performance targets and Six Sigma criteria. LMS Imagine.Lab AMESim offers a complete 1D simulation platform to model and analyze multi-domain, intelligent systems and predict their multi-disciplinary performance. LMS Imagine.Lab OPTIMUS is developed in collaboration with Noesis Solutions, a subsidiary of LMS. Noesis Solutions specializes in developing solutions for process integration and design optimization.

Through the interactive interface in LMS Imagine.Lab OPTIMUS, users can easily capture the different steps and parameter settings in their simulation process. Once captured, non-expert users can apply the complete process without having to worry about ''what to do when''. A quick rerun of this process lets users explore multiple design alternatives, which translates into higher productivity.

LMS Imagine.Lab OPTIMUS automatically explores a multitude of design alternatives using design of experiment and response surface modeling techniques. The full set of local, global and multi-objective optimization methods adapted from the Noesis OPTIMUS solution allows users to identify the optimal design for multiple performance aspects. This avoids tedious trial and error loops while balancing optimal performance with strict quality requirements and Six Sigma criteria. Dedicated methodologies for robustness and reliability engineering make sure that the optimization loop takes into account the inherent variability of LMS Imagine.Lab AMESim design input parameters. The integrated post-processing and data mining capabilities enable users to analyze complex phenomena with greater efficiency.

''To pro-actively engineer the functional performance of intelligent systems, manufacturers have to optimize the complex interaction between mechanical, fluids, thermal and electromechanical components and sub-systems. LMS Imagine.Lab OPTIMUS helps development teams tackle the huge amount of design alternatives and discover the best compromise between performance and robustness,'' commented Willy Bakkers, Vice President and General Manager of the LMS CAE and Imagine divisions.

For high resolution images, please visit www.lmsintl.com/pressimages

About LMS:

LMS is an engineering innovation partner for companies in the automotive, aerospace and other advanced manufacturing industries. LMS enables its customers to get better products to market faster, and turn superior process efficiency to their strategic competitive advantage. LMS delivers a unique combination of virtual simulation software, testing systems, and engineering services. We are focused on the mission critical performance attributes in key manufacturing industries, including structural integrity, handling, safety, reliability, comfort and sound quality. Through our technology, people and over 25 years of experience, LMS has become the partner of choice for most of the leading discrete manufacturing companies worldwide. LMS, a Dassault Systèmes Gold Partner, is certified to ISO9001:2000 quality standards and operates through a network of subsidiaries and representatives in key locations around the world. For more information on LMS, visit www.lmsintl.com.

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