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Nikon Metrology 亚洲代表处
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Metris releases 7 axis articulated arm 12/6/2007 2:15:00 PM
三坐标测量机, 关节臂测量机, 逆向工程/测量机软件, ...
Leuven, December 4th 2007 - Metris (MTRS, Euronext Brussels) announces the launch of the 7 axis MCA (manual coordinate measuring arm) for accurate and full freedom laser scanning. With this new 7 axis articulated arm, Metris offers a complete inspection and reverse engineering solution that can be used just as easily in the metrology laboratory as on the shop floor. Metris will demonstrate the 7 axis MCA in premiere at the 2007 Euromold show in Frankfurt, Germany.

The 7 axis MCA is ideally configured with the digital Metris ModelMaker D scanner. High-frame-rate ModelMaker scanners are available in three laser stripe width versions, enabling customers to select the optimum balance between scan resolution and speed. Through Enhanced Sensor Performance technology for continuous parameter adaptation, ModelMaker D offers excellent material scanning capabilities that ensure maximum sensor performance when surface material, color and reflectivity vary. Although the use of MCA primarily focuses on laser scanning, MCA additionally supports various touch probe sensors through a quick and repeatable sensor exchange mount.

The emphasis of the 7 axis Metris MCA is clearly on ease of use and productivity. The unique electromagnetic brake locks the second axis of the arm to facilitate effortless scanning. Metris MCA also features optimized tube length ratios, a counter balance for lightweight handling, and an ergonomic handgrip with integrated buttons to guarantee smooth operation. On-site calibration of Metris MCA eliminates the delay and hassle of returning the arm to the factory, contributing to maximum measurement up-time. Automatic temperature compensation has been added for shop floor use.

Scanning with the MCA delivers a detailed digital representation of objects for part-to-CAD comparison, feature inspection, reverse engineering, and rapid prototyping applications. Metris KUBE software handles data acquisition and drives on-screen graphics showing real time surface scans and comparison to the CAD model or other reference. Afterwards, the data can be readily processed in KUBE, or profoundly analyzed in Metris Focus Inspection, Focus Reverse Engineering or third party software. As a total solution provider, Metris offers complete portable metrology solutions - covering MCA, sensor(s), laptop and software.

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·CAD/CAM/PDM/PLM展区 > 三坐标测量机展厅 > 三坐标测量机技术动态
Nikon Metrology 亚洲代表处联系方式:
网址: Http://www.nikonmetrology.com 电话:86-21-68412050
地址: 中国·上海·浦东新区陆家嘴环路1000号汇丰大厦26楼 邮编200120

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